All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


In our lives, work and relationships with others, even in ministry, we often find ourselves having personal agendas. When we are in that situation, then what happens is conflict, discord, hurt, anger eventually leading to separation (from God and others), just like Judas. He had a hidden agenda for being a disciple. Jesus trusted to Judas with the money bag, although he was a thief. But rather than change his agenda, he remained the same. His heart did not change. He continued to live the life of a thief. We read, "Not that he (Judas) cared for the poor-he was a thief, and since he was in charge of the disciples' money, he often stole some for himself" (John 12:6 NLT).

How about our own lives?

We may not even be aware that we are trying to plan a scenario to achieve our own goals or our own personal ambitions, even though it means hurting others.

Don’t we know that God knows our hearts more than we do (Jeremiah 17:10; Daniel 2:22)? This is the same God who supplies us with all the things we now have: Jobs, money, ministry and relationships.

There is no one who is great besides Jesus. Everything we have and everything we are; is only by His grace and mercy. It is only because of Him and for Him and unto Him alone.
As long we do not have something to prove and as long as we stay humble and transparent before the Lord, then we can endure anything because it will be God who gives us the strength.

This then is the power of being nothing, having nothing to prove, having nothing to lose and having nothing to hide.

Prayer: Search my heart oh Lord. I really love You Jesus. You are omniscient and it is You whose searches my heart. There's nothing hidden from Thee. I have seen Thy goodness that never ends throughout my life. Teach me to fight until the end of my life so that You may find me remain faithful. In the Name of Jesus, I ask these things, Amen.

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