The Power of God—what difference does it make to you? Ephesians 1.19
Good Day!
You live your life every day. You get up, wipe the sleep out of your eyes, have your coffee, and put your pants on, just like everyone else who is starting their day … then, you head out the door to work or school, beginning the machinations of managing another day. So, what in the world does Paul’s prayer mean to you, talking about the power of God? “…That you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.” Eph.1.19-20
It is not difficult, really, to believe that God is powerful. If you are a person of faith, you probably believe that--God created the world, --worked the miraculous through his Son Jesus Christ, while he walked the streets of Palestine … and defied the laws of death by raising Jesus from the dead.
But does the power that God exhibited in the Bible matter to you? I mean, does the power of the resurrection mean anything to you personally—2,000 years later? I submit to you that it does; the power of God means everything to you, or it means nothing at all.
It all depends … perhaps you are satisfied with religion—the rules, the regularity, universality, ritual and ceremonial; if those satiate you, then the power of God is probably not all that important to you, just something to which you pay lip service. On the other hand, if you believe in a God who can effect change—radical change—including healing and restoration, miraculous, life-changing effects, well then, the power of God is radical, liberating and filled with eternal hope. Let us never forget that before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he told believers, ‘You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be my witnesses …’
We need the power of God—whether we know it or not—to live as we Christians are intended to live this life, effectively, victoriously, and abundantly! We need the power of God—
~to live our lives in faith, trusting and believing that God IS… and is with us, loving us always—especially when the way is difficult
~to break free from addictions, old patterns of doing things, and to overcome what the world brings our way
~to stand on the truth of God’s Word, despite what others choose, and in
spite of temptation
~to love as Christ
We need the power of God
~to share the truth of a loving Savior effectively with those who do not know him
~to trust God for the miraculous! It is only through the power of God that the supernatural invades the natural world—healing, setting free and effecting change. And as for you and me – well, you and I need the power of God to really change, Friends.
~to know peace and experience it when peace is illogical and unattainable in the natural
I could never be satisfied with an impotent God because I serve an omnipotent God! I would always wonder if there were something or someone more out there’ if I had not experienced the present reality and Holy Spirit power of the one true God, and all that he is—especially knowing that he is not just holy but he is good.
The power of God – well, it should make all the difference in the world to you, and like Paul, I pray that it does.
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