All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

■ Church is Family, Jesus’ Family. Do you love your church? Do you love
the Church of God in Singapore—unconditionally? While recognising her
shortcomings and failures, do you also see her beauty, her strengths and her
potential in God? Will you commit to love Jesus’ Family—for better or for worse,
till He comes?

■ Read 1 Corinthians 1:2-9 again. Read it out loud, but this time as if it were
written to your church, and also to the Church in Singapore.

■ How committed are you to your church family? What is your attitude toward
your leaders, fellow members, and the vision of the house? Are you a pressure
point, a source of tension and misgivings?

■ Pastors: You think you have more than your share of troublesome and
quarrelsome Christians? What is your attitude toward them? The Corinthians
at their worst brought out the best of Paul—his pastoral heart, his theological
mind, his apostolic leadership. What about you? Are you responding like Paul?
Do you have the mind of Christ? Are you turning thorny issues into teachable
moments for your people?

■ American film producer, Samuel Goldwyn, once said: “Ninety percent of the art
of living consists of getting along with people you cannot stand.” You probably
have a mental list of people who fit this category. People who have let you down.
People who are a pain in the neck. Today, choose to follow Paul’s godly example.
Ask God to open your eyes to see their good points. In prayer, acknowledge
and affirm them. Ask God to restore trust. Speak blessings over their lives and
their future. Today, commit to rebuild relationships. Write a personal note of
appreciation to each one.

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Comment by Peter TAN on July 7, 2010 at 8:59am
Dear Annie,
I am an intercessor by divine gifting. Actually, when I read your testimony, I was nearly "tearing". It's just me!

At first when I starting reading, I was afraid that you might give-up worshipping God because of certain bad experience with a church and people that didn't seem to care much about you! I felt your journey DEEPLY!

I must praise you for your testimony, that as a child of God, you have very IMPRESSIVE FAITH- one of a giant! Somewhat like an apostle. . . God can use you tremendously!

Yes, and I can't agree more about: . . . church is a family and it's the children of God- folks like us that makes the church (even without a building) , yes, even here in the internet evangelism site, encouraging and learning from one another in this wider Body of Christ! Amen!

After coming to Christ the age of 16, I was searching for God (I was young in my faith and understanding) in my so-called "all the wrong places", for I thought God was only present with a church and a bunch of Christians gathering together in a building.

The same time I had overwhelming burdens for the "unsaved", I also had much disappointment with several local churches. Having an enormous hunger for growth, I attended worships, fellowships, bible-studies and ministry, moving from one church to the next, hopping to find my "green pasture," so to speak. Somehow, no one was available to be my spiritual-mentor, and my journey of faith was just like travelling in a desert terrain, all alone.

All through the years of setback with some churches (of various denominations), I thank the Lord Jesus for constantly walking beside me, being my guide and simply not giving-up on me even though I back-slided for several years - Oh such love!

Looking back, I thank God for molding me, making me and filling me for His glory. I've also grown much in faith through the years. Now, I've learnt much about getting along with folks in the church, accepting one another's differences, learning to honour one another and caring for the less lovely individual- I guess this is what Jesus meant when He said to "love one another", for even the world know how to love the lovely, and it doesn't make any difference if His disciples (us) only "loved the lovely, but NOT the unlovely." And now I know why Christ insisted in washing His disciples' feet and taught then (us) to do the same for one another! Amazing!

Amos 3:3 said "Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?"
Christ said that when 2 or 3 are gathered together in His name, then that is church. He is in our midst. Christ in us, our hope of glory!

When Jesus (Holy Spirit) is present, then there is LOVE! It means giving ourselves and loving someone with no-string attach, without expecting anything in return, or knowing "that someone" has no means of repaying your kindness! I know 'LOVE' WILL BE there whenever we just go and fellowship together with other believers, all sharing Christ and soaking in His presence. This is FAMILY!

To God be the glory!
Comment by Annie on July 7, 2010 at 1:31am
I have been with a church for 2yrs now and although pain and illness stops me attending some weeks I do try very hard to go. For I love to worship and glorify God with other christians. But I never hear from them other than on Sunday. They know I'm all alone, yet if I died no one would even notice me missing. It's very sad because I don't understand church anymore. No one seems to care about those who are sick and lonely through no fault of their own. Just circumstances. So I promised God if I was ever blessed to be healed I would get in my car every day and go to an elderly villiage to give comfort to all the ones who were left behind, just because they grew old or became a burden to a family. Didn't Jesus tell us to comfort the sick and lonely? God didn't create man or woman to be alone. A church is just a building, people are what makes up the church. The body of Christ. I attended an all weekend outdoor meeting a few yrs ago, near a creek, It was so wonderful. I felt the presence of God all around me. There was no church or building, just trees, grass, mud and people lifting Jesus name and teaching us, 'LOVE' was also there. I wasn't lonely. I felt I was with my family.

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