All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The "Mother of all Reads" - Trust it!

To my friends, family, and saints of God,
Most of you know, that at times, I tend to be "passionate" about the things of God. I admit I am guilty of such accusation. I do not apologize. I thank God that He has given me a tender and passionate heart. It keeps me sensative to His moving in me and about. I bless Him and honor Him today, for His great love.
God has loved me, more, He has loved us all today in a very special way. This morning I awoke early. I opened a document sent out as a message by a dear saint, friend, and brother in Christ who lives in Sweden. I have long been blessed by his understanding, education, and discernment of the things of God, and his blessed talent and gift to be able to articulate the things of God into language easily understood, even by such an average or even below average person as myself.
I am going to share with you, the link to this message. It is not like a needle in the arm, a quick fix. Remember, if its quick and easy, it is likely from the devil. He loves to offer us a shortcut.I hope you appreciate my value for each of you and know that I would never attempt to waste your time. I humbly and vigorously beseech each of you to prayerfully take the time and read this message. Aside from the Bible itself, it is probably in the top 2 or 3 or anything I've ever read before or will ever read again. How could I say I love each and every one of you, how could I say all I want is God's best for you, and not share this message. To understand fully what I'm trying to say, you will have to read it, you simply must read it all, for yourself. Please do that at your early convenice. It's about a 30 to 40 minute read, depending on how fast you read. Don't read it to finish it. Read to absorb it. Let it sooth, and heal, enlighten and strengthen, correct and set aright. Read it, brother and sister. Not for me, but for you, and those you love, for those you pastor or teach. Read and then share it. Print it out and distribute it. Forward it to your friends and loved ones. It's that powerful. May God bless you as you recieve truth and light from our dear brother in Sweden, who is admittedly, just a vessel, as we all are, of His mercy and grace. Here's the link:
Bro. Lahry

Lahry Sibley

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Comment by maggie hancox on February 28, 2010 at 6:25pm
there was more? will go look...
Comment by Lahry Sibley on February 28, 2010 at 12:09pm
Thanks Mz Maggie, but did you read beyond the introduction?
Comment by maggie hancox on February 28, 2010 at 12:02pm
? I have read the missing portions of esther, and to my mind all it does is add to the currently used text, only placing the reader in more of an empathetic state. It is simply an expansion of what is allready used as acceptable portions of scripture in our bible. Quite descriptive and graphic in nature, giving air to the general passion of the writer, in the light of expression as David in psalms. There are some other factual information thrown in, but essentially it doesn't change the nature of the current acceptable text in any way that I can see.

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