If you are a Christian, you are a part of "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1Peter2:9).
There is no greater honor to be found on this earth than to be a minister of Jesus Christ, and every Christian is called to this ministry. You are the true nobility. You have a destiny that is so great that the angels in heaven marvel at what God has chosen to do among men.
Even if you were to accumulate all of the power and wealth on the earth it would not measure up to your calling in Christ Jesus. Even the greatest earthly kings have a life that is but a vapor, a wisp of smoke.
They all die, and in death their wealth and their exploits are all a part of the dust to which they return.
The histories of men will be forgotten; they will pass away with the earth that will one day be rolled up like a scroll. You, on the other hand, will live forever, and your deeds are being recorded in the Book of Life that will never pass away. When measured by the true values of eternity, a day in your life can be more important than the entire reign of earthly kings or presidents.
This may seems too fantastic, but it is the word of God, and God cannot lie.
This is not stated to assuage your ego, but to impress upon you the importance of your calling and destiny. Every day in your life has infinite potential and value. You have access to the King of kings. Your petition before Him can change the course of nations.
You not only have access to the King of kings, but you have been sent into this world as His ambassador. To carry God's own words and to convey His purposes is an honor much greater than that of an emissary of any earthly king or president.
Paul's declaration to the Christians, that they were "ambassadors for Christ" (II Corinthians5:20), was a statement of such power that it probably buckled the knees of those who read it. The assignment of "ambassador" was one on the highest honors that one could receive in the empire. Because communication between a pontentate and his ambassador could take months, or even years, those chosen for such a position were the most faithful, loyal friends of the emperor. They had to be on one mind with their leader because they would likely have to make decisions in his name.
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