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Amos 3:6-8 “Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. The lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?”

Shall a warning of danger be sounded in the cities of this world and the people not fear? Shall disaster befall multitudes and the Lord God not ordains it as punishment for the iniquities done by man under the sun? Who then causes diseases, famine, draught, war and conflict, is not man’s hands involved with it, is not the lie a tool of Satan, deception used as a device to lure the unlearned into sorrow, a false weight, a wolf in sheep’s clothing used to take what is unlawful, does not the flow of innocent blood fall from the fingertips of the unrighteous?

The Lion of the tribe of Judah has roared; “It is Finished.” Death, Hell and the grave have all come into His domain, His authority. He has paraded Satan and his fallen angels before the Lord God, as a defeated enemy, all their power stripped away, their armour gone, and their weapons discarded.

The Lion shouts, Salvation has come to all mankind, if they will only believe. Hell and death have been taken captive by the root of David, the Lion of Judah, the Son of God and who shall be able to stand in His presence? Shall man be able to flee from the Living God, His Son or their judgment?

As the prophet Amos states; “As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.” Judgment and retribution belongs in the hands of God. A man may flee from the Son, and be met by the Lord, run from the Lord and be met by the Holy Spirit, but in the end all men shall die and face judgment.

Men roar and ramble on about freedom from religion, freedom from God and freedom from eternal judgment. Men have declared that religion is for the weak and unlearned, they state that there is no God, no Satan and no judgment, even many that say they are religious hold to these same thoughts, not knowing the truth of their own profession of faith.

They say; Let us embrace other religions so that peace may ensue, let us combine our doctrines and make for ourselves a new religion where all men may enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Many are more than willing to compromise the truth for political gain, praise from others and a weak sense of safety.

“The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.” The darkness of men’s imaginations, the making of evil things, thoughts and conversations are coming to an end quickly. Men think to evil constantly, their thoughts are on evil without regret. Let us change laws and even times so that our power grows over the weak and timid, who can stand in our way, for we are gods within ourselves. The light is in the world but many ignore the light so they can remain in darkness, for only in the darkness can they justify their evil deeds.

Shall we fear man or the Lion who is the strongest of beast upon this earth; shall we fear the wrath of man or the judgment of the all mighty God? The night is far spent, judgment is near even at the door, history shall not record all the works of man but the Lord knows all, all is written, all is noted and all shall be revealed in its proper time. Neither darkness nor shadow shall hide the works a man does under the sun.

All that have rejected the authority of the Lion shall be brought into judgment, this roaring Lion shall consume all with the power of His voice, the mountains shall tremble, the seas shall roar and the earth shall quake at His presence. The concrete jungle that men live in shall be turned into ashes, the high towers that he has built for his pride shall be brought down to the earth and men shall return back to the dust of the earth from which it came, the darkness and the night shall end without a sound.

The night is far spent, shall I hold my voice and not preach the Gospel, God forbid, for I live and will die by the Gospel. For as I have said; The lion hath roared, who will not fear? 

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