All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


Do you want to know what gets God excited; what makes Him sing and dance more than anything else? It has to do with something you hold in your hand.

I had a dream:
I was riding this small bike in front of a hotel when I discovered two of my friends in the lobby. They had just checked into their room. In desperation, I ran inside, greeted them, and asked if I could use their bathroom. One of them handed me the key and I ran up three flights of stairs. As soon as I found the door, I opened it with the key and looked around their room at the bed and floor. There were open bags everywhere. Then, I stepped into the room, held the key up and started singing, “God has the key to my room! God has the key to my room!” I was doing a happy dance at the same time. The end.


“THE KEY…is truly the greatest power 

that has been given to us by God.”



The key is simply your permission.
The room is simply your life.
The bags are simply your mess.

THE KEY,  our will or choice, is truly the greatest power that has been given to us by God. God cannot begin a work of restoration without it. The problem we have is that we want to perform the work ourselves or share the work of restoration with God. But no matter how much we perform, we can never become what God wants of us until we start giving Him the KEY. God respects your freedom of choice so much that He will not enter into your room (like your little brother or sister used to do) unless you give Him the permission. When you do, the heavens start shaking because you have just made God sing and dance.

When you give God the key, don’t be His tour guide. He knows better than you what needs work in your room. He specializes in cleaning up and restoring. He does this through the gift of the Holy Spirit. He will start using people, circumstances, and especially the Word to lead you in the right paths.

Giving God the KEY is another way of making Jesus Lord of your life. It’s another way of saying to God, “without You, I can do nothing.” I strongly suggest that when you realize you’ve stopped giving God the key (which we all have a tendency to do), you should immediately lift your head up towards heaven and simply say, “God, I’m sorry. Here, take my key again.” We must do this at times because we have a tendency to want control. But if we want to see our lives completely changed we must consistently give God the KEY.

So, will you make God dance?

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