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The Holy Spirit is our Only Source of True Joy, Peace and Love

(Inspired by Mike Murdock’s book, ‘The 3 Most Important Things in Your Life)

The Holy Spirit is the Source of Joy. His Presence brings joy. His fruit is joy. His Wisdom increases our joy. He is the Spirit of Wisdom. The pursuit of money, or having it does not produce joy. We cannot depend on our loved ones to create an atmosphere of happiness.

There are five misconceptions about joy. Many think joy comes from people, promotion, progress, power or possessions. The wise person discovers the truth. The Holy Spirit creates joy within us every moment that He is pleasured. When we pleasure Him through total obedience, we will feel what He is feeling. When we grieve Him and bring Him sorrow, we will feel what He is feeling.

For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Romans 14:17

The Holy Spirit will give us joy in the midst of our most difficult and fiery trials. His joy enables us to keep doing our Assignment in the midst of threats. When the Holy Spirit controls our life, our words will become catalysts for blessing.

HE is our only true Source of peace…the absence of inner conflict. His Presence brings peace. When we obey His instructions a calmness will enter our spirit. The greatest warfare of our life is the Holy Spirit versus our flesh and self. When we permit the leadership of the Holy Spirit in our life, we will enter the most remarkable and unforgettable season of calm and inner peace we could imagine.

Man cannot give this peace. Popularity does not create this kind of peace. Wealth cannot produce this peace. Psychiatrists cannot produce this kind of peace. A loving mate does not produce this kind of peace.

Uncommon peace is a gift from an uncommon God. ‘And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
The Holy Spirit helps us to develop the mind of Christ. Romans 8:6.
He causes the weary to rest, and this is refreshing. Isaiah 28:12; 26:3.

The Holy Spirit will give us discernment regarding our friendships. Fault-finding words create a climate of conflict, anger and cynicism…from such we are to turn away. 'Again I say, don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth. Then they will come to their senses and escape the devil’s trap . For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants.' 2 Timothy 2:23-25. When the Holy Spirit is in leadership, we will discern these people quickly.

You are a door or a wall. You can become a wall against cynicism, discouragement and pessimism. Or you can be a door of entry for others to walk into joy. Sometimes it is necessary to become a wall against things that are unholy, unrighteous, and that bring unhappiness, yet, Oh, how I want to become the Door for the presence of God to enter

The Holy Spirit will give you the courage and strength to withdraw from the company of foolish people. This increases your peace. Pessimism and despondency can come through the words of one person. In proverbs 14:7 we are told to stay away from fools.

Three Ways the Holy Spirit Uses the Word of God in our Life.
1. The Word of God is the instrument of peace for the Holy Spirit to use. Psalm 119:165.
2. When the Word of God is sown continuously in our heart, it grows a harvest of peace. Isaiah 26:3. `How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!’ Romans 10:15
3. We must embrace the Word of God as the most effective instrument for change. 2 Timothy 3:16,17.

Five signs that someone is not word-conscious.
1. They discuss their warfare, instead of the promise of victory.
2. They discuss their doubts, instead of their faith in God.
3. Their focus in their enemy, instead of their Comforter.
4. If the Word of God were dominating their mind, it would dominate their mouth.
5. If the Word dominated their mind, it would influence their conduct and behavior.

The Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures. HE affects our words. HE uses the Word of God to bring peace into our hearts. Don’t throw it away, Don’t treat it lightly.

Four tips for creating a peaceful climate.
1. Recognize that conflict is the trap for distraction. Don’t sacrifice a marriage or friendship because of one sentence spoken in a day. That is demonic, It is satanic. It is not even logical. The purpose was to break our focus on things that are worthy. Philippians 4:7,8
2. We determine our own focus. It is our own personal decision. Whatever we are feeling is produced by our focus. We must stop and take time to change our focus
3. Pay any price to protect your focus on right things. Mark 9:43,45; Isaiah 26:3
4. The Holy Spirit is our true Source of love. Love is the most powerful force on earth…because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with love. Romans 5:5

Fifteen facts about Holy Spirit love.
1. The fruit of the Spirit is love. Galatians 5:22
2. The Proof of love is the desire to give. John 3:16
3. The Holy Spirit enabled Jesus to love. Luke 23:34
4. The Holy Spirit enabled Stephen to love those who stoned him. Acts 7:60
5. The love of Christ enables missionaries to fight emotional battles, financial difficulties and cultural barriers in their ministry among heathen.
6. Many wives have birthed the salvation of their husbands because of the love of the Holy Spirit within them. Their husbands came to Christ because of their conversation and conduct. They never quit loving their husbands.
7. Thousands of rebellious teenagers have been drawn back home like a magnet to a loving parent because of the love of the Holy Spirit.
8. God sends His love toward you even in the worst season of your life. Romans 5:8
9. Love pursues. Luke 19:10; Isaiah 1:18
10. Love protects. Exodus 20:5
11. Love provides. Exodus 15:26
12. The love of the Holy Spirit is not manipulating another.
13. The love of the Holy Spirit is not decided by the conduct and behavior of another.
14. Love will never cease.
15. The love of the Holy Spirit dissolves fear. 1 John 4:18

Father, thank You for the promise of peace. The world is in battle. Every day is an emotional war. Everything around me seems designed to break my focus and create distraction. But, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Because I love Your Word, my peace is great. Holy Spirit, You are the true Source of peace. You are the Spirit of peace, and I embrace You today. Your words matter to me. Thank You for the Word of God, the Instrument of Peace, that you have given to me. It drives out darkness and brings me into a place of rest. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Comment by Nienie on July 4, 2009 at 7:11am
Thanks sis was blessed by this. When we focus on ourselves we are not giving the Holy Spirt ful control over our lives and then we tend to make the wrong must be a daily focus to set your mind on the working of the Spirit through our live. In my blog Sacred Obsession it is also the attitude we have to work on, being led my the Holy Spirit.
BLessings!! Nienie
Comment by MaryAnn on July 4, 2009 at 6:09am
You are welcome, faithful friend. That line blessed me too. There certainly are things which are out of our control...many... LOL, however, we can choose on purpose to determine our focus. Thanks for pointing this out!
God bless you brother,
Comment by Pastor Bob B on July 3, 2009 at 8:41pm
The statement; "We determine our own focus. It is our own personal decision. Whatever we are feeling is produced by our focus. We must stop and take time to change our focus"

This is so true, I can tell when my focus is off when I start feeling negative stuff in my emotions. We have the wonderful Holy Spirit as our abiding helper to help us keep our focus on the author and finisher of our faith. As we learn to be responsive to the Spirits prompting, then we will discover that He uses even our emotions to help keep us on track as well as renewing our mind as we continually abide in the Word of God.

thanks for sharing sister.

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