All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Joel 2:28  and it shall come to pass afterward , that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh.

I feel led to tell of a great outpouring of God's Spirit that he blessed me with some 12 years ago.  A revival that lasted for several month's with souls being touched and love, drawing families together like nothing I have ever seen.  Naturally with something of this magnitude, Satan is sure to fight and he certainly did , but we will not acknowlegde him. Our object is to lift up the name of Christ our Lord.                                                                                                   I would like to talk of how it came about, and what it took to get it. Since most folk's attention span is so short,  generally speaking,  I will keep this in short mini segment's, so they can pick it up in parts as their time allows. We will interject biographical parts on my life as to give some understanding , as to God's dealings with me prior to his outpouring. I would start by saying I am of the pentecostal persuasion. Every thing said in this, though some of it may sound dramatic is true, but then God is dramatic and does things in a big way to no suprise. Anyone who can create worlds and mankind is very dramatic. There are things in our lives that takes years to come together, as God works out his plan in each of his children. As they say, " life really is a process ".  It was in 1997 and I was going through a season that I had been unemployed. I had been reading the word, praying, and had a real hunger for more of God. Prior to this season in my life , I had worked at a lumber shop for almost 14 years. They went out of business and thats when I got my CDL , and began driving truck.  After a Job change , I was laid off . As we attended our church , a person approached me and asked me if I would be intrested in holding a revival in his home state. At the time I was able to do it , because I wasn't tied down to a job yet. With myself being broke and not knowing my next step  "Literally believing God for everything" I told him yes after praying about it. I knew it would be a real faith step for me and I would have to get alone for some prayer and fasting. I wanted a real move of God with all my heart, and their wasn't going to be an easy way. I knew this from past experiences.
To Be Continued...............................

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