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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The Great Outpouring: Conclusion Part 6

Song of Solomon 8:7  Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the flood's drown it ...

I spent the rest of the day in prayer as it would be service time again in a few hours. I was still high , "as it were" from the morning service.  As we opened up the evening service , the church was filling up quickly, as the word was spreading of the revival. After preliminaries , I sat down at the piano and sang a couple songs. Once again I sensed the Spirit of God falling on the service. How would God move tonight ? What could we expect ? I left the piano and felt the hush of the "Holy Spirit" as I was doing my best to stay yielded to him.  He led me on the right side of the isle adjacent to the wall. I stopped about the 5th row back and a weeping Spirit came over me like I never experienced before.         A well dressed man was sitting close to where I was standing and he began weeping , and literally just dropped out of his seat onto the floor , weeping and crying out to "Lord" to save him and take over his life.  I later found out he was a big authority at a GM place. Others that knew him were  "flabbergasted". There were folks in that building , who had been bitter enemies for years , and God was healing their relationships. As the Holy Spirit was pouring out his love , people began weeping all over the building and making their way toward the front , kneeling at the altar. Others were just hugging and making peace with each other. It lasted a couple weeks and I closed  the revival. As we were at home the phone rang. It was the pastor telling me that people were still showing up , and would I come back and hold it for two more weeks? We went back and God was still drawing  people in the same way, and other churches were now coming and being blessed. There was a unity in spirit unprecedented to anything I have ever witnessed!  The revival lasted about 3 months and the Spirit slowly lifted from the place and we felt led to close the revival.  As I conclude this story , I want to say we can have those kind of services again , "in our nation" if we get hungry enough and start desiring it. I know just writing to you about it is giving me a fresh hunger for a revival like that again. I want to close with a "title song" I wrote a couple years ago. "If we ever need revival" we sure do need it today"

God bless you on your journey !

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