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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

As I said,living under the law( in the flesh) causes much confusion,so much so that Paul said,I don't understand myself at all,I know I am rotten through and through so far as my old human nature is concerned.No matter which way I turn,I can't make myself do right ( Romans 7:14~25). And neither can we! Only through the Holy Spirit can we please God,Jesus began this good work in us and he will surely complete it.We strive to live right not because of fear,but because we love the Lord.I wan to encourage the new Christians and those living in constant fear,it is not God's will for you to live in fear.God sent Jesus to "rescue" us,not so we will continue in bondage!I can remember when I did a whole lot of crying because of the sinful nature,and things I needed to be delivered from,but he seemed as if nothing was changing.But it was,I was being changed on the inside! "Hallelujah" then the changes showed up on the outside,God is so good and patient with us!!! Our main problem is trying to please other people,and Jesus didn't save you only to please others.This "faith" walk with Jesus is not easy,and God never promised us it would be,but he promised to "always be with us"! And he is. Even in times of fear,doubt,discouragement and misunderstandings,Our Father is great and it pleases him to show us his great mercy.The flesh(that old sin loving self) will always be with us until we reach Heaven,but through the Holy Spirit we can live a good clean life here.For the Holy Spirit in us leads and gives us strength to change,in God's own time and way.Trust God and lean not to your own understanding, of how things should be by now.God knows exactly what he is doing,stay in the word and always pray for knowledge and wisdom.
Helpful Scripture: Hebrews 12:1~4
John 14:1~3 John 13:34 Corinthians 1:3~6 2 Corinthians 4:7,8 2Corinthians 5:11~19 And if you don't read any of these be sure to read these Hebrews 10:8,17 Really Hebrew chapter 10 is a wonderful chapter explaining God's new covenant.Go has us so completely covered in Jesus Christ it makes me dizzy at times to think of his great love and provisions to us.
Love you and I hope you're truly blessed.

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Comment by Pat on May 31, 2010 at 9:32pm
Thanks for your comments,and I'm glad the message was a real blessing!!! How true it is my brother we should never hesitate running to God,for he truly wants us too.Love you both
Comment by Charles Burwell on May 31, 2010 at 2:15pm
Sister Pat

Amen and amen. I have fought this battle you speak of many times. I remember when I faced the situation you spoke of when you said " Our main problem is trying to please other people , and Jesus didn't save you only to please others. " I used to have a real problem with that until I realized that you have to compromise too much to please others.

The Lord lead me to a wonderful and comforting scripture in Proverbs 16: 7 to deal with this:

It says" When a man's ways please the Lord , He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."

This liberating scripture allowed me to understand that if I concentrated on pleasing the Lord above all that He will deal with all the other relationships. Now it doesn't mean that our' enemies ' will like us , I believe it simply means that they won't have any legitimate grievences against us.

Also , a wellknow scripture that emphasizes you comments concerning 'always seeking God's wisdom' is

James 1:5 " If any of you lacks wisdom ,, let him as of God , who gives LIBERALLY, and WITHOUT reproach, and it will be given him."

Some times we are a little hesitant about going to God because we are afraid that were asking something that we should have been able to figure out ourselves . But the word tells us that He will not berate us but encourages us to seek His wisdom which He will willingly and liberally give when we sincerely seek it.

He thinks of everything. Praise His name .

God bless

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