All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Scriptural Reading: Proverbs 1:7

Fear is the thing that has been showing up right now and we cannot help but see it very clearly and what makes it alarming is that we see it with our human minds.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning..

This is the fear that we should put on. This is the fear that would give us the knowledge. This is a promise from our God. As we battle these uncertainties we should not blame each other, our leaders and many more. We should learn the lesson from our first parents when asked by God why they did it and what they did was to blame each other. Let us not use our accusing fingers but instead seek the Lord.

The enemy is not the virus. This will all come to pass if we will follow what the authorities are instructing us. If we will not fear the Lord, we are going to be tossed to and fro by fear inflicted to us by our true enemy, Satan who is the author of confusion.

It is indeed true that faith with out works is dead but the word faith comes first before the word works. It means that God should be seeked first and things will be added to us. We are facing things that we already admitted we cannot handle due to many complexities, questions and much more which are beyond our capacities at this point of time.

Let us all come boldly to the throne of grace through our prayers. God is always in control. Let us all trust Him. Let us all fear Him who can both take our lives and our spirits. Let us fear Him who will give us the knowledge.

Heavenly Father, we come to your Holy presence admitting our frailties and weaknesses. We pray for the healing of our land that you have created for us. We claim the healing. We bind this here and You said You will bind it in heaven and when You release the healing in heaven it will be released to us. We claim the victory through your Son Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen!


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