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The "END" of times Here? A Blog every Christian should read!

Dear fellow Christians... Before I start read Mathew 24:6.... see you are not TROUBLED, for all theses things MUST COME TO PASS! I also advise every one of you to read Mathew Chapters 24-26. Especially during these shaky times! I am in no way trying to be one of those "THE END IS HERE" kind of Christians. I am however one of those "BE ALERT" type of Christians. Is the end of times here? You decide after you read my Blog, but i do sincerely ask you to consider some of the ASTONISHING things that i bring to your attention ... May I add with Caution!!!
If you go on You Tube and type in ....Obama bashing the Bible, you will come across a variety of videos. Ive watched one in particular which is mainly 2-3 mins long ( I also found a 5 min version) where Obama blantly blasphems the Bible. He states how we are no longer a "Christian" nation and how we now are a "universal nation".Insisting we are "also a buddist, muslims, and Indian Nation.He goes on to inquire, should we as Americans apply our lives to Leviticus "? Where they accept slavery", or should we be like Deutronemy, "and stone our kids if they stray from beliefs"? He arrogantly says other things that mock the Bible "which recieves over whelming applause" (Dont listen to me! Look it up yourselves!) To make matters worse, if you type in You Tube "Proof Obama is Muslim" ..You will find some rather interesting other videos of Obamas "school record" Mainly from 1st to 5th grade.Do you know he was registered as a Muslim?Did you know He even attended a Catholic Scool. ( May I add still registered as a Muslim!) Hmmmm how interesting I thought. And lastly type in "Obama takes oath without The Bible". (Like I said please dont take my word for it CHECK YOURSELVES!) Remember the best witness is yourself! If you really know your history, did you know he was the first...let me REPEAT ...The first... President In HISTORY to take the Presidential Oath without a BIBLE! Is this only disturbing me? Heres some other misc additional info... He covered a sign Inscribed IHS a "sign" of Jesus, on National TV with a Black cloth during his speech in Georgetown . His reason? Not to offend others!... (Mr.Obama, have you taken a look at the bills in your wallet?) In God We Trust! Going on... What did Obama do for "National Day of Prayer"? Absolutely nothing... He did however release a statement saying how he rather pray "privately"... Fine Obama I give that one to you.( It is however hard to believe that we prayed to the same God, being you did bash The Bible!) Again the Bible says do not Judge others. Again I add this Blog is just for everyone to be "aware"... still remembering Do Not to be Troubled! Still I plea, dont take my word for it, RESEARCH these things yourself! I find it interesting how yesterday AOL posted in one of its articles how "Christians were to blame for the War.(There was this poster that had a verse from the Bible). Did you hear about the soilders who got in trouble for trying to spread bibles? Did you read the article posted in AOL titled...
Skeleton Leaves Scientist Stunned... They are saying how they found proof on evolution blah blah blah... Does ANY ONE ELSE SEE WHAT I SEE! Christianity is being rejected slowwwwwwwwwww-leeeeeeeeee! Is the " End" here? i truly dont know, But WOW are things looking suspicious! The point being to YOU ALL!!! Keep your eyes on The Lord, Glorify our Father, and continuosly ask to be filled with The Holy Spirit. God Bless you all, and dont be discouraged, because if we truly are in the "end" of times REJOICE!!! For The Word is true, and we shall soon all be together! PRAISE GOD!

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Comment by Michael on May 21, 2009 at 7:58am
Hey Felix,

Your free to post here, but I must caution you in that your post make you seem ignornate, basis, and frustrated by something. I'm not even going to waster my time further reading you post again that seems like it is just intended to provoke dislike, and anger.
Comment by SavedYouzer on May 21, 2009 at 4:06am
LoL... ok Felix ... Let me start by saying I wont disrespect you, even though any intelligent reader can sense the aggression in your message. Secondly I am probably half your age. i remember this message this Pastor preached one day and he went on to say how we as a younger generation shouldnt disrespect you "older folks". Truth be told I actually enjoy a healthy argument. I remember not until recently, I would of probably left you a whole message that would have left your jaw on the floor. I am glad to see how the Lord truly has humbled me. Hey Felix For some clarification, I actually didnt vote. Even If I did, I admit openly I wouldve voted for him. I have no agenda against Obama LoL... I do however have opened my eyes to Satan and his schemes.
You know Felix God Bless You... truly from my heart... I dont want to give Satan the satisfaction of entering our conversation and twisting the message. So my good friend, as Christians we can agree to disagree! I thank you for taking the time to even post a message on my Blog,and I appreciate your interest in my article. Again God Bless you Brother Felix!
Comment by SavedYouzer on May 20, 2009 at 8:58pm
First of all my dear friend I MUST address this issue respectfully and correctly! The things I have said CAN BE VERIFIED! Before you posted your comment did you actually take the time to consider these things I have written? Or are you basing your opinion on this matter emotionally? Secondly DONT you EVER go against The Word! There is only ONE GOD, ONE SAVIOUR, And ONE HEAVEN! How dare you even assume or insinuate "he will go to his own HEAVEN! How dare you say that! Before you take this Blog and bring it out of context ask yourself this... Did SavedYouzer post these videos himself? The answer is certainly NOT! Enough with all the propaganda and back and forth accussations. We can end this right now. Go on to CNN and type these things yourself. Listen to me Brother Felix, biblically speaking Jesus himself wants us to not be decieved! He gives us a whole chapter in Mathew, when the disciples ask how will we know when the end is near? Jesus says "pay attention to the signs" speaking in my own termonology. Again I say to you Brother Felix dont you dare take The Word lightly, or passively accept something that is not according to scripture! If you give Satan even the slightest chance to decieve you, He will! Let me repeat something to you, and let me make this very clear although he is our President... He is a mere man... I urge you Brother Felix to ask God for understanding as to what my topic truly was about. You only expressed heart ache over the Obama references,and that leaves me to ask you my final question... Why didnt you ask me about the AOL comments? This leads me to debate... Being that I in no way offended "Christ", can it be that you are hurting because i opened your eyes to someone you admire... such as Obama? Keep your eyes and heart on The Lord!!! I repeat boldly! KEEP YOUR ATTENTION ON THE LORD! -Amen
Comment by SavedYouzer on May 20, 2009 at 6:20pm
Well Felix, lets take a moment to read my Blog together if you will... At what point did I bash him? Please show me where you see that? Secondly this was in no way titled The President is a loser, or whatever expletive can be added. Lastly the Bible says that our Father in Heaven puts evey person such as the President in charge for a reason. So lets not get carried away as far as what my views. In no way did i say well I think... so and so is.... Every thing I have posted can in fact be verified! Now if i say the President is an idiot. Now we you have a point. Be aware is the message my brother, be aware. Now if you want to decide weather the president is Muslim or not... Seperately from this topic I ask you this... Being he is Muslim, will he make it to heaven? Wait... let me ask this with precaution... According to The Bible... will our President make it to heaven? Amen Brother.

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