The coming back of Jesus is not a figurative thing. This is a reality.
He is coming again! He is coming again.
David Demian
The Lord Jesus Christ is coming for the Bride. This Bride is from every color, tribe and nation. So the Father is preparing us for the end time scenario. As we look at the bigger picture since Christ came on Earth, the Church was founded among the Jewish people. Primarily until Cornelius, there was no Gentiles in the Church at this time. And then the Lord opened the door for the Gentiles. The Church started, by the Gentiles, to take a whole new dimension from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. The western Caucasian Christians, the Gentiles, took the gospel all the way to the ends of the earth. We’re coming into another phase. The western Church has done an amazing job to take the gospel to every corner of the earth. But the western church has the mindset of “we are the church and we don’t need the saying of the Jewish believers.” To a larger extent, the whole replacement theology came in this time. Instead of walking together, we took the baton and we ran it alone.
Now, we are coming into the final stage that will lead to a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit and massive revival. This phase is from the ends of the earth back to Jerusalem—– which involves all the nations. We are on our march back to where it started: the whole Middle East area. But this phase is different than the previous phase. The previous phase was Muslim evangelistic and mission-oriented. It’s bringing the people into the gospel. The next phase is going to take another level. It will include evangelism and the mindset of mission into another level.
That level we call it the Kingdom lifestyle and Kingdom mindset. Why? It’s because the next phase is going to be the Lord Himself going to confront the principalities and powers that have kept people from entering into the Kingdom. So, once we begin entering into the next phase, the whole Kingdom understanding and the Kingdom mindset would become not just a teaching but a reality. The Lord is looking for a people that He can reign and rule over. That is the line of the next phase. The Lord is preparing a Kingdom. That’s why He is shaking the kingdoms of the world because there is an unshakable Kingdom that is going to emerge out of the body of Christ. That’s why He is shaking the economy of the earth, to set us free, because there is a new economy that is going to come out of the Kingdom of God –the economy of the Josephs and the Daniels.
The Lord has chosen the Chinese to lead the next wave. As the western Church have led the last wave, the Lord’s eyes now is using the Chinese and the Asians to lead the next wave. Some people put the title on it as “Back to Jerusalem”. It means a lot of different things to many people. If you are thinking of the old way, it would become an evangelistic way to preach the gospel on the way to Jerusalem–which is true. Wherever we go, we preach the gospel and see the lost saved. That’s the mandate. But it’s far bigger than that. The Lord is entrusting the Chinese and the Asians, not just for an evangelistic crusade back on the way to Jerusalem, but He’s entrusting the Chinese to lead the nations into the convergence of the end time Kingdom. So the nations are going to make their way in the spirit realm into Back to Jerusalem. Either you make it physically or spiritually, there is a convergence in the spirit realm. And in that, the Lord is going to confront the principalities and powers that have kept the Church captive for centuries. That’s what is shaking now in the Middle East. Egypt is shaking. Assyria, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey, all these areas are shaking. Israel is a very hot spot because the Lord is going to confront the systems that have defiled His name. He’s about to confront the prince of Persia. He’s going to confront the Babylonian system. What is the Babylonian system? One of the criteria of it is “let us build a name for ourselves.” The Lord would use humble broken people that don’t care about their names but care about the Kingdom of God. The Lord would confront the religious spirit over the land of Israel. The Lord would confront the gods of Egypt over the land of Egypt. The gods of Egypt did not vanish. They are taking new names in our modern history. Their new names are Freemason and New Age. They take the power and roots from the same old, ancient powers yet in new names. That’s why if you look at the Freemason—the same obelisk, the same pyramid, the same “all-seeing eye”—everything from Egypt has been imported through the Freemasonry and the New Age. God is going to confront. That’s why if you look at all the financial cities of the world, all of them, from Rome to Paris, everyone of them has an obelisk. It was taken by the Freemasons from Egypt to these places to control all the financial system of the world. In our western mindset—that’s a statue. What’s the power of a statue? If you want to know the power of a statue, you go back to when the ark of the covenant went into the temple of Philistines. What happened in the temple of the Philistines?There was a god in a statue form called Dagon. When the ark of the covenant entered the temple of Philistines, Dagon fell down. Why? Why would a statue fall down? It’s a rock. It doesn’t think. Why does it fall down? Because there is a spirit inhabiting that statue. In the presence of God, there is no power that can stand in the presence of God, so Dagon fell down. The next day, they erected him. And then he’s not only falling down, he’s broken. Because of the power struggle, to our God, there is no higher, no closer, no lower. He is the only TRUE GOD! So, the other gods will have to bow. So, what is God doing these days? He is establishing a Kingdom, an unshakable Kingdom. He has to shake the kingdoms of the world. And He is going to establish every Kingdom. He is going to establish His rulership over His people. That’s what’s happening these days that the Lord is looking for His people to establish His Kingdom.
We’re going to count today as a very interesting day in the calendar—It’s part of an eight day that the Jewish people celebrate call Hanukkah. And I’m going to come to that later, because I believe there is a faith that release Hanukkah. Why we celebrate? It’s the faith of the people in spite of the low resources.
So, what the Lord is doing today—He’s not just blessing the Chinese. He’s preparing for an unshakable Kingdom. And as He used the western Church to take the gospel to the ends of the earth; without the western Church, we would not see what happened in the world today. Many people sold themselves to slavery to save the slaves. When you think of Hudson Taylor going back to the Chinese and taking the gospel there…… I can go on and on and on and on. Missionaries that gave their lives from the western Church to see the lost saved in all over the world. So, now the Lord is going to release the Chinese as a blessing to what the western Church has done as they are going to run the next leg of the race. But there is a misunderstanding that we have fallen into in the last phase which we used to call the term “relay race”. A relay race is you stop once you pass on the baton. But the next phase is not going to see a relay race. None of us will stop but we will see what we call the “Canadian geese formation” in which the western Church has taken the blunt of the wind for many, many years. And now the Lord is saying to the western Church, “Well Done! I have prepared the people that have a tenacity and the capacity to take the wind in the next phase. It’s the Chinese people.” And He’s calling the western Church not to leave the team but not to lead in the blunt of the wind in the front. Come and line up. So, in the Canadian geese formation, I’m sure all of us know that they fly in a V-shape. Those who are in the front will get tired, they don’t leave the team but they join in the team but they are not at the phase of the wind in the front. And as for every inhabitant, you always look at the mistakes that have been done in the past and fix it but you always honor what happened in the past, because if you don’t honor what your fathers have done, there is no continuous blessings. So, I see the Lord is raising up the Chinese with an honor to the western Church, saying to the western Church, “Walk with us. We need your wisdom.” But also, I see God in His sovereign mercy, has put in the Chinese something that I don’t think the western Church can do, which is the equal love to the sons of Ishmael and the sons of Isaac at the same time.
The Chinese Church have a heart for the sons of Isaac as much as they have a heart for the sons of Ishmael. I believe in the next phase for the first time in history we are going to see the people together marching on in the last leg of the race. The Chinese have a major credibility among the Arab people and have a lot of respect among the Jewish people. So the Chinese would be able to stretch their arms and welcome both the sons of Ishmael and the sons of Isaac alongside the western Church while the Chinese are leading the way. That’s why there is a lot of restructuring the Lord is doing in the Church. That’s why this August, there was a prophetic act that was done in Hong Kong. When the western Church, represented by different leaders and Chuck Pierce and Bill Johnson led the troops to hand symbolically the key to the Chinese Church. As I said to you, you can look at Back to Jerusalem as an evangelistic crusade movement, but I believe it’s far bigger than that. The Lord is establishing His Kingdom over the Chinese people. Because the Chinese are everywhere, and because they are every country and nation, they will claim the inheritance for what the Lord is doing at this hour with them. They are going to stretch out their arms, bringing the Asians and bringing all the nations. By the fact of the Chinese destiny at this hour, they live in nations with their DNA, I don’t see this as for us, non-Chinese, to stand at the side and clap our hands and say “Wonderful Chinese, go ahead!” No! It is our destiny also released at this hour. But there is something that the Lord is preparing us to do together because He needs a body from every color, tribe and nation. As I see it, it’s like an arrow. At the tip of the arrow—maybe the Chinese and the Asians, but in the body of the arrow—all tribes, colors and nations. We are all marching together for this hour.
That’s why what’s happening in Egypt at this time is irreversible. It’s not another stream that is going to be reversible. No! The Lord is shaking the foundations of Egypt. If you want to understand what I’m talking about, read Isaiah 19. The whole prophecy talks about Egypt. And the first line of the prophecy says that the Lord is coming on a swift cloud and the idols of Egypt will tremble. It is very interesting to know that these idols have controlled the nations. Behind every governmental authority in the world, there is Freemasons. Behind all the major financial cities of the world, the Freemasons. God is going to shake the idols. He’s going to set us free for an unshakable Kingdom that the world cannot resist.
But this battle, you and I cannot face it. This battle is the Lord’s. All what we need is to align ourselves behind the Commander-in-chief. I want to encourage you, if you have been shaking, it’s the preparation of the Lord for you. He did not shake you to destroy you, He shake you to prepare you for the unshakable. Count it a joy! Don’t look back. If you are not dead today, than the Lord still have a purpose for you. Some of you may ask me,”how do I know I am not dead?” Ask the person next to you. “Am I moving around?” If you’re alive, God has a plan for you, but if He has finished with you, He would have taken you home. The reason you are alive is because there is a purpose. We are all called for this hour because He is in need of us. He is in need of a Kingdom. If you are those that are alive , the Lord is in need of you. Amen!
As we were talking about the lamps, reminds me of Hanukkah. I wanted to bring us to a commitment tonight. In Hanukkah which started last Saturday sunset, it goes for eight days. It was about the restoration of the second temple. So, what happened is the temple was defiled. Part of the Jewish people wanted to see that restored. As they took back the temple, they wanted the lamp (the menorah) to be lit, but the oil has to be done in a purified way according to the biblical standard. They were so excited to light the lamp but then they were disappointed that there was not enough oil. The oil was only enough for one day. They wanted to light the lamp for the eight days as a tradition. They have a choice of having a defiled oil or not to do it but they decided to use the purified oil, the only oil used for lighting the lamp, lighting the candle. And the Lord did a miracle. The oil that was enough for one day lasted for eight days. And I believe at this hour and in this season, the Lord is calling us for another level of standard because He wants to establish His Kingdom over our hearts. And He wants to reign and rule and He wants us to come to the conclusion inside. No more defile , no more using mixture, no mixture in my heart, no mixture in my life, no mixture in my thoughts. Even if I don’t know how to last, He is more than able to sustain me and help me to continue. And I felt that tonight is a dedication because if God could do that simple miracle of an oil that was only enough for one day and be multiplied for eight days, until the next batch of purified oil was produced, so the Lord filled the older gap by a sovereign miracle. If He could do that with the early temple, how much more He would do with the latter temple, the latter house? I believe the glory of the latter house is going to be greater than the former and the early house. And I believe the Lord is looking at the people that will trust Him. “I don’t know how I would make it Lord, but according to your Word, I will walk holy and purely for you. I dedicate my heart. I dedicate myself. I will not touch anything that You have not led me.
I don’t know if I am able, if I can last to the end but I trust You. And if this is your heart I would like you to stand together. This is the last hour of 12-12-12 because it just crossed the eleventh hour. So, we are coming into the last hour. What a wonderful time to dedicate ourselves! We have made Christianity an individualistic lifestyle, but I believe Christianity is a kingdom. It’s not a King over individuals, It’s a King over a people. As Paul talks In Ephesians, we’re not living as stones scattered . It’s a living stone fitted together, forming a holy temple, a dwelling place of the presence of God. It’s not about how loud we are, or how low we are. It’s about our hearts. And it’s not about how good the songs we’re going to sing. It’s about our hearts. So we want to offer to the Lord ourselves tonight. Amen! Amen! What a beautiful time of dedication 12-12-12 on the last hour, we will remind the Lord, “You have found a people.”
And I want you to think of it in this way: I’m not giving myself only. I’m also part of our body. We are giving ourselves. The glory of the latter house is great and we are the house. I am the house. When I got saved, the Holy Spirit dwells in me. I am a house but also I am a living stone. You are the living stone and the Lord is fitting us together for another Holy Temple, and the Bible says, “a dwelling place for the glory of God”. So we want to give ourselves tonight. Believe that the oil you have had, it might look to you that it can only last one day. Believe that this oil will last until the end! You will lack nothing. And I believe we are about to enter the signs and wonders that would follow those who believe. We are not seeking after it. It always follows, it’s always there. Wherever we walk, I believe the time has come. Not only the Kingdom that we imagine but the real Kingdom of God. The blind will see. The lame will walk. The leper will be healed. And those who have needs, the Lord will provide. And the Lord will open the heart of the family that they would help one another. There will be no lack among them. And if it doesn’t happen by our choice, it will happen by circumstances. God is determined to answer the prayer He asked us to pray: Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, here on earth as it is in Heaven. Let’s offer ourselves, not only individually, but be aware we are the part of a body. You are part of a body. Not only here, but all those everywhere that is believing the Lord Jesus Christ like us. So, hold hands as a remembrance that you are not alone. I’m not dedicating only my life. I’m part of a company, together, together. We welcome Him as the Lord over all. I want to pray this prayer before we give our lives. “Father, we declare that the hour is now. So, your Kingdom come. Father, we declare it is an unshakable Kingdom. Father, we declare that the signs and wonders would follow. Father, we declare your principality has come. Here on earth, there is a God in the church, on earth as it is in heaven. His will is done on earth as it is in heaven. We declare as we finish this time, as we finish this hour, 12-12-12, that You are the King. You are the Lord. You will have a people. You will establish your Kingdom, on earth, on earth as it is in heaven. On us as it is in heaven! On us as it is in heaven! “ So we, from Vancouver, release a declaration to the Middle East, “Behold! Behold! Behold! Behold, the Kingdom of God! Behold, the Kingdom of God! Behold, the Kingdom of God!”
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