All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


Peoples' ideas of God -- what He is or is not, His form or existence or non existence,

what is it that they are thinking and how are they interpreting it?

Just what do they conjure up in their minds , when you talk about GOD?

How are the unchurched thinking? those who have never been to Sunday school and had even the basics of Christianity taught to them?

What about those who have never known their earthly father, or had fathers that have abused them, or just been such poor examples of what a father should be; how are they supposed to relate to a Heavenly Father?

New Agers for example see GOD as an impersonal force.

Cultists see GOD as a force or power.

Muslims see GOD as an Old Testament GOD of Wrath and Law.

Some Eastern religions worship creation instead of the creator thinking they are one and the same thing.

Even so--called Christians can use GOD as an, answer my prayer machine.

And then there's the most common one of all, the big white bearded man in the sky. Or the same sitting on His throne.

The New Testament says that in order to see GOD we must look at JESUS.

Everything JESUS did and said, how He did it and in the context of where and when He did or said it as written in the four gospels Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.

I recomend you read through one of the gospels Like John with the view of looking to see how JESUS dealt with everyday situations and people.

JESUS is the visual manifestation of GOD on this earth. JESUS is GOD!

JESUS is the only one who could be because He is the only one who was and is perfect and sinless, (the sacrifice has to be spotless) the church is not sinless or perfect!

Col 2:9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.

Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible GOD.

Although JESUS is all of the above GOD has been with mankind since He created us and so i think we should approach this from the Bible as a whole.

In other words how GOD has been involved with man over the centuries.

Hebrews 1:1 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of GOD'S glory and the exact representation of His being.


Rom 1:18-20 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- his eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

The knowledge of GOD is obvious, by looking at our natural surroundings and at our selves.

In everything we make or do we recognize the results as something we have done.

We see also many other things around us that could not possibly have been made by man.

Common sense tells us that all of this could not have happened by chance or accident.

There must therefore be a creator who has not only created it all but is sustaining it all as well.

In fact it takes more to believe it was all an accident or happened by chance than it does to believe in a creator.

Therefore no one has any excuse for not knowing of the existence of GOD, even if they have never read the Bible or heard the good news about JESUS CHRIST.

The Bible was not given just to prove the existence of GOD, but to reveal GOD'S true nature and character, and GOD'S plan of salvation for all of mankind.


Greater than the energy displayed in the universe.

So, if we presuppose the above, then it is obvious that a designer of incredible intelligence and knowledge with unlimited wisdom, designed us and the universe.

Endless beauty and experiences in all areas of creation shows us the wonderful nature of the designer.

GOD'S Goodness is shown on every hand.

No animal, insect, bird or plant has been created without providing for their fulfillment.

Regularity and order in nature and the universe shows the precision and faithfulness of our creator.

The fact that the universe is constantly expanding shows the vastness of GOD Himself.

Yes I know everything is not perfect but that is man's fault not GOD'S. We have spoilt His creation not Him, it started of perfect.


The awareness that we are not just a physical shell, that there is something within this physical form of ours, separate from the outer shell, helps us to understand that the creator is separate from the physical He has produced.

Spiritually we are like water in a bottle, two totally different substances.

Physical substance cannot produce physical substance.

Therefore GOD must be spiritual.

John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.

Our consciousness of something else besides the physical helps us to see that there is a spiritual existence and enables us to be aware of a GOD.

We have a GOD -- consciousness that helps us if we are faithful and disturbs us if we are rebellious.


But our creator is not so limited.

GOD inhabits all space that exists and has no end or beginning Rev 4:8 & Isa 57:15

Many inconsistencies and evidences of something going wrong are seen in our existence;

Disappointments, sorrows, injustices, struggles' hardships, sufferings, fears, and the future gloom of death are experienced.

Nature moans and groans with earthquakes volcano's and storms and so seems unfriendly and intolerable.

Creatures of all sizes are unfriendly and dangerous towards us and each other and all experience death.

Our conscience tells us that there is a right and a wrong, good and evil. Therefore it is obvious that we need help from our creator to put things right.

GOD gave us a conscious to help us to do just that.

We are able to experience guilt and an awareness of being wrong. This is to enable us to seek forgiveness and to get right with GOD to make our peace with Him.

In order therefore to see the character of GOD in creation we must not look at the results of sin, but to look at the positive and good things of His wonderful creation.



GOD is eternal, GOD always has been, and GOD always will be;

GOD will never and can never die.

Scripture calls GOD the ALPHA & OMEGA The beginning and the end Look at scriptures Ps 90:2 Heb 9:14 Isa 26:4 Rev 1:8


This means that GOD is everywhere present.

This does not mean that GOD is in the trees in the sense that we should worship them because we are to worship the creator not the created.


This means GOD knows all.


Man is a unique creation.

Man has a moral capacity and a spiritual one, man is different to the animals and plants.

The Bible says there is a definite difference between animals and man.


* Ability to perceive obligation

* Ability to choose

* Ability to experience the result of the choice

* Ability to reason

* Ability to be creative


We can either follow

GOD'S way the

devils way or (incipiency)

or our own way.

Where did satan get the idea to sin? he chose to. This was incipiency.

satan didn't have a devil or evil to influence him, and yet he chose to reject GOD by rebelling against Him and going his own way, this gave birth to sin.

It was GOD'S big act of trust, to trust us with the freedom to choose, unfortunately we chose to be incipient.

Incipiency proves how much GOD loves us.

In this sense GOD would rather let man make bad choices than take away there freedom to choose at all.

This is causing less suffering than if we had no choice at all, because then we would all be robots.

GOD gave us the ability of choice and freewill.

If GOD wanted to, because of His awesome greatness and strength, He could make us do anything. However, He doesn't. This is where character comes in.

GOD allows us to choose to love Him, He doesn't force us we all know that you cannot force someone to love you. GOD controls His might and anger over our disobedience.

So GOD built into creation a plan of redemption, because of what happened to the angelic hosts and Lucifer.

GOD used satan as a deterrent, as a warning to us in this world to help us choose the right way.

So that as we saw the results of what sin did, we would obviously choose not to sin, and choose to keep our relationship with GOD instead.

In other words GOD thought if we saw how bad sin and its consequences were we would not want anything to do with it.

satan himself choose sin by choosing to rebel against GOD, by trying to usurp JESUS' position or to be equal with Him.

We likewise are solely responsible for our own actions.

It is no good trying to blame the devils influence, society our upbringing, environment, or genes.

Because GOD'S love is free, GOD'S love for us must always leave us free to respond to Him.

Consequently GOD'S will is not being done in all things on this earth. GOD'S will is being done only as far as we allow it to, or as much as we respond to GOD.

Remember GOD gave us free will and choice.


GOD has a predetermined goal for every believer. It is clearly stated in Romans 8:29

In GOD'S wisdom He has planned to ultimately conform us all to the image of His Son JESUS CHRIST.

GOD'S goal for us is not a trouble free life or a prosperous existence.

GOD'S goal is a transforming change, from the basic raw product (e.g. clay), to an attractive desirable and irresistible lifestyle that will be flowing from ourselves to others.

Change takes time. It takes buffing. It requires abrasion. GOD'S wisdom has set the best and most perfect goal. GOD knows just what it takes to get us there.

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