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The Best Resource to Be Set Free from Worry and Stress

Stress more often than not starts from worrying. If you are a chronic worrier, then chances are that you're under a certain amount of stress you may not even be aware of.

There are many self-help methods available to help reduce stress. These range from physical exercise, nutrition, optimistic attitude, meditation, etc. There is no shortage of literature on the subject of worry and stress, and that is good as it is very important to keep stress to a minimum.

However, the ultimate resource is the Bible. It contains the wisdom of God for you regarding all matters.

Do you know Him? If you do, and you know the Word of God, then let us consider what He has to say about worry and stress. His Word is the Truth. Therefore, if He says it, take Him at His Word and believe it, and then act on it.

Jesus Christ loves you so much that He gave his life for you so that you might have peace. He wants you to trust Him in everything, "Casting all your care upon Him, for he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:6,7)

He counsels you not to reason against God's Word for you. That means considering your problem over and over and finding excuses why you should feel bad about your situation. He wants you to "bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5) In other words, in every situation consider His will for your life. Speak the Scriptures that pertain to your situation, and then ask His strength not to give in to negative, destructive thoughts.

"Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain you." (Psalm 55:22) He knows everything about what you are going through, and He wants you to lay it all on Him. He has carried your worries and stress on the cross so you won't have to carry them any more.

Whenever you feel worried about all your inadequacies and shortcomings, remember that: "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me." (Psalm 138:8)

"Lay aside every weight - and run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith."(Hebrews 12:1,2) It is interesting to note that it is next to impossible to do something with patience when you are stressed! That's why it is so important to put your thoughts on Him and not on the weight of the problem at hand.

God cannot lie. Therefore, if He promises that He will see you through, then you can be assured that: "He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." (2 Timothy 1:12)

It is so wonderful to know that He can turn your mourning into joy (Jer. 31:13) and turn all things to good for those who love Him! (Rom. 8:28)

The secret is to focus on: "those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and deserving of praise." (Philippians 4:8)

Therefore, my friend, "Let not your heart be troubled." (John 14:1) and: "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." (Philippians 4:6)

Say these verses every day as a prayer, and before you realize it you will discover: "The peace which passes all understanding." (Philippians 4:7)

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