All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Every morning, throughout your day, and before you go to sleep, make it a habit to tell the Lord, "Thank You!" It will change your attitude, day, life, and outlook on your Christian journey with God.  Set a reminder on your phone to remind you to stop and tell the Lord Thank You.   Put a post-it-note on the refrigerator or your bathroom mirror to remind you to tell God Thank You. Do this for the next three months. You will enter the New Year with a grateful, thankful heart of gratitude unto the Lord. 

Prayer of Thanksgiving

God Thank You for waking me up.  This is the day that the Lord has made.  I shall rejoice and be glad in it.  I will not complain, because all things are working together for my good.  Thank You God. 

God Thank You.  Thank You.  Thank You, Lord Jesus.  God Thank You for loving me. Thank You for loving me, Jesus.  Thank You for being my Savior, Redeemer, and Deliver.  Thank You for all that You have done for me. Thank You for all that You are doing right now, and all that You will do in the future for me.  Thank You.

Thank You for Your grace and mercy.  Thank You for being my healer and great physician.  Thank You for being my provider.  You supply all my need.  Thank You for being my counselor, defender, protector, the shepherd of my soul, my rock, and fortress.  I am so grateful to You.  

You are my light in the darkness. Thank You. You are my refuge and strength, my very present help in the time of trouble.  Thank You.  You are my place of safety.   I am in Your hands.  All is well.   Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. 

You are my best friend.  I am the apple of Your eye.  You are always looking out for me. You always have my best interest at heart and You want what is best for me.  Thank You.  You are my greatest blessing and  You keep on blessing me.  Thank You. 

God Thank You for being  my comforter.   I can come to You and find rest. I can talk to You about anything and everything.  You never turn me away.  You are always there for me.  Your ears and arms are always open to my cry.  Thank You.   

God Thank You for Your Word.  Your Word is my source of hope.  You are my hope and source.  Thank You.  Thank You for always coming through for me.  Thank You for sustaining me.   Where would I be without You on my side.  God, I appreciate You. 

God Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me. You are always with me.  Thank You.  You are the answer to all my prayers.  In this I am confident.  Thank You.  Who is this King of glory?  The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle.  He is the King of glory!  Thank You.  Thank You.  Thank You, Lord Jesus!

When You Think of Me, Please Pray for Me,  
Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., B.S., BCPCLC 
Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach

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