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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Staying power … got it?             an update from NYC.


This past week I flew across country from Southern California to New York City to follow a bidding and a dream.  Walking into the book convention Thursday morning, I felt a little bit like Dorothy walking into the Land of Oz, except I had on pink shoes and she wore red.  My elbows tucked against my sides, looking up, looking around, eyes wide . . . rather overwhelmed by the enormity and immensity of what I was seeing!  The Javits Center was huge, the scope of the people and project represented, rather intimidating, to be frank.  But I was there because I believe it’s where God called me to be--in the diverse, secular setting, a small fish in a national book exposition where the newest and brightest were on display.

So, what happened?  I met folks from the four corners of the earth, signed my Morning Briefings book on Philippians and Colossians, giving many, many copies away, unsure of what might happen, but entrusting that to God.  Contacts made with publishers, publicists and a good many other authors were wonderful, and I look forward to continued discussions with several.  But that was not the entirety of my east coast trip. 

On Saturday night I moved over to Brooklyn so that I would be in place to participate in the Sunday morning worship service at Brooklyn Tabernacle, the place and people with whom I feel most alive.  It is the place that moves and leads the people of God to welcome and feel the Spirit of God come alive in their midst.  Though I have gone to church faithfully since I was a little girl, I have never experienced another place like it.  Truly, though I have worshipped with many fellow followers of Jesus in various faith traditions in the United States and in Great Britain as well, Brooklyn Tabernacle is without equal in its devotion and expression of love of God and fellow worshippers who come from all over the greater New York area on a weekly basis, while also welcoming domestic and international guests.

For several years now, I have travelled once a year to worship and be trained by Jim Cymbala at Brooklyn Tabernacle; this time, it was just a tag-on to the book convention.  God always gives me takeaways that impact the way I lead and conduct ministry.  Most importantly, I see in person a godly minister who stays at his post, serving God.  For more than 40 years, Cymbala has faithfully taught the Word of God and taught people to pray, with an unparalleled passion for both.  Each time I am at BT, I am encouraged not to quit, even when writing, teaching and leading seems overwhelming or discouraging, and when I am not up to the task.  [But really, even as I type, I realize I do not have to be up to the task … it is not about me and the gas I have in my tank.  I am led and equipped by the Holy Spirit, and he is my sufficiency. His grace is made perfect in my weakness.  Paul captured God’s heart: ‘My grace is enough; it’s all you need.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.’]1

Fact is, it matters that we continue faithfully serving God, staying at our post, no matter what comes our way.  Paul knew that oh so well – “People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, unswervingly . . . in hard times, tough times, bad times.”2

Second, I am always impacted by the love of folks--one for another--at the Brooklyn Tabernacle.  Huge as it is, it is a community filled with love, and there is no division felt.  Hands are raised high in worship and then clasped across aisles as prayers are lifted before our good and great God.  It infuses me with the desire to usher the presence and love of God into the communities I lead—my precious corporate brothers, my favorite girls in the world, Women of Passion, the high school students, and rest-of-world Morning Briefings community.  There is no more powerful force than the all-encompassing love of God, particularly when we are overtaken by it, and give it away in our individual lives. 

Third, and final for now, as I must run to catch my airplane, bound for home, (where my little dog Missy is about to have puppies) – I am always reminded to keep the main thing the main thing.  When I leave the Brooklyn Tabernacle, I always feel God breathe into me, Teach them to love my word, and teach them to pray, Girl.

All of us need to access the staying power that is ours through the Holy Spirit.  So, join with me and pray, “Come Holy Spirit … we need you!  Come in your strength and your power, come in your own gentle way.”

With devotion,



1 – 2 Corinthians 12.9

2 - from 2 Corinthians 6


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