All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

It’s Monday night, the game is on, the score is 24-14 and only 1:40 minutes left in the game. Your team is loosing, you think it’s a waste of time to keep watching the game, so, you go on and switch channels thinking the game is almost over and your team is about to loose. Five minutes later you decide to check the final score… to your surprise; your team made a miraculous comeback and won 28-24. Every athlete knows that the game is not over until the referee blows the whistle. Regardless of what the score is, they stay in the game until the end.
There are so many people in the world that feel like giving up in life. There’s no motivation, no ambition, no eagerness to get ahead in life, no goals, no commitments, etc. Who do you think is at fault? Unfortunately we can’t blame anyone but ourselves. We are the ones that suffer the consequences of giving up in life, or reap the benefits of staying in the game no matter how bad things may seem. Imagine, what would’ve happened if Thomas Edison would have given up? There would be no lights; no such thing as City of Lights. How about Bill Gates? If he would have given up… most of us would have never known how to use a computer. Let me give one more example: The Wright brothers if it weren’t for their courage and persistence there would be no airplanes. They stayed in the game until they won!
Every one of us has had ideas cooking in our brains. Some of us work on them while some get discourage because of fear of failure. Some of us get to the 1:40 left in our game and then we give up thinking that nothing was going to happen anyway. This is why it’s so important for you to understand that a breakthrough can happen at the beginning of an idea implementation, it could also happen in the middle of the process, or it could happen right at the point that you’re about to give up. This is why it’s very important to Stay in the Game because you never know what may happen, and you don’t want to miss your breakthrough.
If you’re in school and been tempted to quit Stay in the Game. If you’re waiting for a promotion and it seems as if it’s taking too long Stay in the Game. If you have deals that seem as if they aren’t going anywhere, and you feel like just giving up…Stay in the Game. Let me give you this little formula: attitude, destination, determination, and persistence will help you Stay in the Game…and most likely you’ll win.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9

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