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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Spring Cleaning for our Hearts.  


Every one should be growing some kind of plant—whether it is in a pot, several containers, or in a garden.  Planting seeds or bulbs in good soil, watering and taking care of them is cooperating with God in something creative, beautiful and productive.  And I do believe the analogy of tending our hearts to tending our gardens is an apt one, as gardening takes forethought for a desired outcome, as does thinking about our hearts. 

I think that folks sometimes miss the point—I mean, how many times have I heard people comment about watching what they say, being sure to be careful with their words!  Jesus said, “out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”1 We are unlikely to change what comes out of our mouths without changing what is in our hearts. 

And how about our thoughts?  If indeed we are what we think, once again we must pay attention to our hearts.  Healthy gardens get ‘spring’ cleanings—when vines are trimmed and neatly tied in place … when old leaves and dead material are cleared away from beneath bushes, so that new growth gets sunshine and fresh air … so that little buds can flourish without being affected by decay.  [The picture is of lobelia, lavender and Queen Anne’s Lace in my front garden with the afternoon sun shining through]


“Search me, O God, and see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.”2 Are you bold enough to ask God to identify what might need to be cleared away—things like sloppy language, selfish ways, proud thoughts, and habits that are not beneficial?   And then perhaps you and I have grown lax, and should be certain of good and godly disciplines, just like tying up a vine, making it strong.   For instance, I know I am a better woman when I meet with Jesus every morning—in the Word and in prayer.  In order to make my morning wakeup, I need to get in bed at a reasonable time the night before. 

Hmm, what is the last verse I committed to memory?  Perhaps another should be tucked away, training my mind on good and right things.  Here’s a practical verse:  “Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”3  

Okay, one last thought, before this foray into the garden comes to a close – feed your blueberries, blackberries, apricots and flowers with a good fertilizer … like Kellogg’s!  Sure water, fresh air, sunlight and reasonable soil will grow them, but a few vitamins will cause them to flourish!

Springtime is at the front door of your heart, Christian.  I pray that you somehow sense God’s great love for you, because if so, you will want to grow in that love.  You ask if there is anything you can do, besides clearing away debris, securing your moorings ...  Yes, there are other things that will cause your life to flourish.   Make sure you do not miss the opportunity to worship God with his people at least once during the week, keeping the Sabbath.  And find an intimate community of believers that you can join—one in which you can participate and share love, faith in God, understanding, tears, questions, struggles, joy, trials, and this thing we call life.  

Explore personal, creative ways to express your worship ~ sing, dance, paint, lift your face to the night sky, and thank God for the constellation you can see with just your naked eye.  Can you imagine what is beyond, with the assistance of a looking glass?  Take in nature around you, for it tells of the Creator daily.  Have I mentioned the delight of birds, who never sing out of key?  Plant some flowers, or vegetables, and work with God in growing to nourish and grow them . . .


Let’s Flourish,



1 – Luke 6.45

2 – Psalm 139.23-24

3 - Romans 12.2 NLT

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