All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

While sleeping on a hot midsummer night in 2007, I had a learning experience… it, huh! … Well! Let me find the right words... It was about 11:15pm I had just gotten to bed, the lights were off, when suddenly!!! I heard a mosquito buzzing over my ear. I didn’t think of anything, until it kept happening more and more. Then I thought “This guy is going to have a picnic tonight if I don’t stop him”. So, I turned the light on and started to look for the mosquito. I had made up my mind that I wasn’t going to go back to sleep until I got rid of it. After 20 minutes of looking everywhere, I found it just sitting there waiting for me to go back to sleep, so he could have his late night snack. But I was a little smarter than him. Yes!! I got rid of him!!!
It is so amazing how we worry about our physical body. Here I was worried about this mosquito, and who knows how many times he would have bitten me throughout the night if I wouldn’t have taken care of him. I knew if I would have let him have his way, I would have woken up with mosquito bites all over my body. Now think about this for a moment: what if we were to be more concerned about our spirits? What if we were to be more conscientious about what affects our spiritual walk? What if we were awakening at night for the mere fact that we didn’t pray before we went to sleep? What if we knew that a certain sin that we were practicing was hurting our spirit? Wow!!! This is just food for thought. You might be doing ok with your spiritual walk with God, but if for some reason something clicked inside your soul, do what I did in the physical and apply it to the spiritual, and don’t stop until you find those spiritual mosquitoes and get rid of them. I believe it’s time for us to be more committed to our heavenly Father, and live a life that is pleasing to Him.

For His Glory

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Comment by Leonard T on January 24, 2009 at 12:05pm
Good word.

Lord Bless,

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