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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

i recently added a comment to the discussion of speaking in tongues. i seem to be the unpopular one on this one. i don't believe that speaking in tongues is screaming gibberish and laying your hands on anyone with in reach. that's just weird and scary. and churches that do this should know that all it does is frighten many new comers away.

in acts the holy spirit filled the desciples and they spoke in the tongues - or languages - of all the tribes that were there. they didn't speak yiddish, they spoke clear foreign languages that they never knew how to so they could spread the word of Jesus to all those near.

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Comment by Norman Link Jr. on May 30, 2009 at 5:14pm
Well said Sandra.
Comment by Sandra on May 30, 2009 at 2:56am
Hi Annie
My name is Sandra. I agree with you it could be scary when people are speaking in unknown tongues loudly and laying on hands all willy nilly. The bible says lay hands on no man suddenly. (1 Tim 5:22) Now I wouldn't go so far as to call it gibberish because I didn't understand what is being said. Prime example: when Jesus was on the cross and He cried out loudly "eli la ma sa bach tha ni", the people close to Him heard what they thought him calling on Elias, but He was praying to the Father. "My God, my God why has thou forsaken me."

Now if we are praising and worshipping God, I'm speaking to Him and not you so you don't need to know what I'm saying, God does. (1Cor 14:2) The bible also states that if we don't know what to pray as we ought the Spirit makes intercession for us. (Rom 8 :26) In Jude 1:20 we are build up ourselves in our most holy faith by praying in the Holy Ghost.

Now getting into Acts on the day Pentecost they did speak in languages that other nations understood. Now the different nations heard their own language but I donn't the 120 understood what they were saying. For when Peter began to speak I believe he spoke his native tongue which was probably Hebrew. The other nations heard and believed when he preached and got saved. I pray in the spirit not understanding a thing,but I do have to. God does.

In 1 Cor. 12, it states about the gifts of the Spirit of tongues and the interpretation. In 1 Cor. 14, it speaks of what you were saying about the confusion if someone is unlearned is in the church. Paul said we should want the interpretation along with the tongues so we can edify the church. These 2 gifts working together is akin to prophesy.
I like what Paul does, in between the spiritual gifts and the operations of the gifts is 1 Cor 13, the love chapter. He writes to the Corithian church that they had these wonderful spiritual gifts but have no love it profits us nothing for love is the greatest gift of all.
When some people get baptised in the Spirit, they might speak a language they weren't taught or not, as Pauls writes tongues of men and angels. Just because you didn't understand what was being said, it probably isn't for you. It could have been meant for someone else.
I pray you'll ask the Father for understanding in that area and for the baptism of the Spirit. (Lk 11:13) I also pray that the churches that do this will be sensative to the Spirit of God to not speak in tongues if there is no interpretation nor laying on of hands unless by the Spirit of God. I pray that the Spirit be not quenched when the presence of God is moving and that believers will praise and worship Him in their own way.
Annie, if that happens again you begin to pray that all things will be don decently and in order. I believe also that there can be someone to interpret but they may not do it. Be open to the Spirit and maybe God will use you. God bless.

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