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Soul Food: Stop playing God !!!

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Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things—Matthew 6:34

I had never thought of worry as a form of taking on God’s responsibility. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that worry, in its naked form, comes close to doing just that! I remember I put a posting in our wall this slogan which I also get from my reading materials. it says : DO NOT FEEL TOTALLY, PERSONALLY, IRREVOCABLY RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING. THAT’S MY JOB--- GOD
This advice doesn’t absolve us of all responsibility, however. The force of the statement lies in the words totally,personally,irrevocably and everything! We often feel we must solve all our problems ourselves and that unless we come up with the right solution all will be lost…
Of course, we must take responsibility for our own lives. Yet God wants us to rely on His guidance. When problems arise, our first duty is to bring them to Him in prayer. He may show us that we’ve created our own difficulty and may reveal that we must make changes to resolve it. He’ll grant forgiveness and give the strength to change. Or He’ll assure us that we’re doing all we can and say. “Leave it with ME. Just do your next duty.” This is what I rely on to God right now… some friends who has constant communication with me does know what’s happening to Aldea family…. And truly… God is taking control of everything in Aldea Family today.. Praise and thank God for all the things He has done for us! And thank you to all friends who keep me and my family in their prayers!
Only God has sufficient energy and wisdom to handle everything well… Worry will gradually lose its hold on our lives if we learn to stop playing God….

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Comment by MOREMA PATRICK OSIEMO on June 16, 2009 at 4:33am
Thanks Kathleen Aldea, it is my prayer that God Almighty open up a way for you and your family, your activities and all that you do to serve God through Jesus Christ. however I wanted some information about the apostles of Jesus,where they died and how. Also about the number '666' and how you can interpret it. MAY YOU SHARE WITH ALL THE OTHERS THE MESSSAGE IN BOOK OF PSALMS 23, AND ISAIAH 53
Comment by kathleen aldea on June 16, 2009 at 1:43am
Allow me to take this opportunity to thank all of you my brethren in Christ for keeping me and my family in all your prayers... It's because of God's grace and your prayers the reason why me and my family are now today.... i love you all.... God bless you...

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