All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Sometimes, you just need to come away

Sometimes, you just need to come away. 

If you have air to breathe, a little freedom, and any kind of nature to observe, then you have the luxurious opportunity to have a Time of Serenity.  This morning, I held such a gathering at North Beach, here in San Clemente.  (Been doing such mornings ‘nigh unto eight years now, I reckon.)  The sun was shining, the water sparkling in shades of blue and aqua, ceaselessly crashing to the shore, and my favorite women in the world came together.

                               [-if you want, you could print this

                        out, take it with you, and come away to

                                a quiet place to be – with God.

  might even then write your responses]


Our course? To encounter God.

because in stillness

and quiet, we hear

An hour of silence to meditate, pray, walk and listen –

in this order:

Meditation – read and apply these verses to yourself

You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to step and rest.  Every moment you know where I am.  Psalm 139.3


For the Lord God is our light and protector.  He gives us grace and glory.  No good thing will the Lord withhold from those who do what is right.  Ps. 84.11


Want more?

The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.  2 Chronicles 16.9a


->Stop and think, how are these verses meaningful to you?


A time to Pray -

-Present your praise to God …

  For who he is-

  For his mighty works-


-Offer prayer of repentance …

 Search me, O God, and know my heart


-Petition your Father for your needs …


-Pay attention—what do you think God might

want to say to you?


Make time to go for a prayer walk, ask God to speak to you   


On your walk, if you have the wherewithal, pick up some rocks that might represent things you are hanging on to, or burdens you are carrying, and then, having named them, throw them far ahead of you—out into the ocean or a field, or … release your cares to God because he cares for you!  

"Thank you, God, for coming to meet with us. You are good."  amen.



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