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Something Good Out of Nothing

Gen 1:1-31

Many times through out this first chapter in Genesis we can read “God said, and it was so” or “God saw it was good.”. However, in verse 31 it says “very good”.Very - in high degree, extremely, truly, absolutely, precise.
Good - having desirable qualities, not spoiled, superior, of high quality, enjoyable.
So we can determine from verse 2 to verse 31 that God took the earth that was without form and void and by the power of his word only, changed the earth to a world that was extremely desirable, of high degree and quality, truly enjoyable.That’s an awesome thought! Something Good Out of Nothing!

Gen 2:7

God turned ground into a living soul with his breathe. Amazing! Something Good Out of Nothing!
Pro-abortionist would like you to believe that a fetus doesn’t become a life until it takes it’s first breathe. My first breathe didn’t make me a living soul. God’s breathe entering Adam’s nostrils thousands of years ago made us living souls!

Ezek 37:1-10
We see a valley of very dry bones turned into an exceeding great army! Something Good Out of Nothing!
Starting in Exodus Chapter 2 we can read about Moses. He was an adopted, stuttering murderer who Pharaoh wanted dead, but God saw him as an obedient leader who lead God’s people out of captivity. Something Good Out of Nothing!We can read about David in I Samuel. A young shepherd boy with 3 stones who slays a giant and is made king. Something Good Out of Nothing!

Mark 5:1-20
A naked, bleeding, demon-possessed man that chains couldn’t hold, is now preaching in ten cities.
Something Good Out of Nothing!

John 4:6-19, 39-42
A social outcast prostitute turned evangelist. Something Good Out of Nothing!We can read story after story through out the word of God where God took the most unlikely and used them in a mighty way.
Look at the Apostle Paul. He went from persecuting Christians, to writing half the New Testament. Something Good Out of Nothing!

It’s overwhelming to read about how God changes situations. We read how God’s breathe brings life, but oh my can His word do for us. There’s power in the Word. The Bible says in Prov 18:21 Death and Life are in the power of the tongue. I loved it over in Ezekiel. God told Ezekiel you prophesy, you speak the dry bones and watch them live. He’s called us to grasp hold of his word, to speak it into our lives and the lives of others and then step back and watch Something Good Come Out of Nothing. Maybe some of you reading this are feeling very inadequate about what the Lord has called you to do. God won’t ask you to do something that he won’t equip you to do. God doesn’t see us as we see ourselves. He sees the potential in us. When He looked upon David when he was going up against Goliath, He didn’t see a young shepherd boy, He saw a king. David had already been anointed to be king and as far as God was concerned He already was. Maybe your saying to yourself, that’s wonderful that God was able to change these men and women in the bible and change their situations, but that, was a long time ago and times are different. Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. This world may change, but God hasn’t. He can still make something out of nothing! Maybe you’re saying to yourself, � Yes, but God Chose those people to do those great things in the bible, I’m not chosen. John 15:16 You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that what so ever ye shall ask of my father in my name, he may give it to you.
He did choose you! Maybe you’re not walking in what God’s called you to do because you’re letting your past hold you back. Just remember we all have a past and we’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God! However, God can make Something Good out of nothing! He can use your stained past as a testimony to bring hope to others who are in similar situations. Romans 5:8 God showed his great love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners. I would like to share with you two quotes from Max Lucado that I hope will reveal to you how much he values you.

God would give up his only Son before he’d give up on you.”

Jesus looked down from heaven and made a decision to give up all the pleasures of heaven and endure hell on earth so that he could call you his own. If Jesus could give all that up for us, can’t we give time each day to him? Can we give a morning and a couple evenings a week for church service? Can’t we give up 30 or 60 minutes a day for prayer and bible reading? Can we give up our comfort zone to speak openly about our Lord to others who don’t know Him? Can’t we give up a late night TV program to pray for our lost loved ones? Can’t we give up a Saturday afternoon to go out and invite our community to church?

When Jesus was hanging on that cross and through all the pain that he was enduring, he was still concerned about meeting the needs of those around him. Take your eye off self and look around for the appointments that God has set before you each day to meet the needs of those around you. Sometimes it’s a kind word to the grocery store clerk who’s had a bad morning or an encouraging word to your neighbor who’s going through a tough time. We all have something we can afford to give, kindness, a listening ear, a word of support, a hug, or even a smile. Maybe you’re not called to stand in the pulpit and preach or to stand center stage and lead the praise and worship, but you are chosen by Christ to be his child and to spread the love, mercy, and grace that he has shared with you. I want to encourage you to serve the Lord with all you have. Don’t worry about what you don’t have or what you think you can’t do, he knows your limits. He also knows your potential. He knows all your faults, but he sees the best in you! He’s like all good fathers. He sees what you can do, not what you can’t!! Pray, read the word, serve the Lord to the best of your ability and watch him make Something Good Out of Nothing in the areas of your life where you feel like nothing good can come! God Bless!!

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Comment by Brian A. Baluca on February 22, 2009 at 5:40pm
Thanks Therese. God bless you always
Comment by Theresa on February 19, 2009 at 5:44pm
Amen brother Brian to this Word, thank you for being obedient to the Lord and sharing His word with us. May God bless you and your family as you listen to the voice of God and obey His leading.

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