All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

So that they may Believe. John 8.21-30

Key verses: When you have lifted up the Son of Man on the cross, then you will understand that I Am he…Then many who heard him say these things believed in him.  John 8.28,30

John 8.21-30 -

Jesus came to the world to save it from darkness, now and for eternity.  Every time people heard him speak it was another opportunity for them to choose to believe in him, or reject him, and cling to their laws.  What did they already know of him?  Just who was this Jesus, and what was he teaching?  Jesus taught of his Father and of the kingdom, which would have no end.  They watched as Jesus broke the social mores of his day, extending himself to a Samaritan—reviled and hated by his people—to women, who were viewed as second-class citizens at best—to children, who he loved and embraced.  He offended the pious Pharisaical Jews healing on the Sabbath; he broke the laws of nature by working miracles, casting out demons, and restoring sight to the blind.  Neither the Jewish teachers nor the Roman leaders could figure him out, and they certainly could not contain him.  Jesus was at home with sinners and people of ill repute, dining with crooked tax collectors and loose women.  His love drew them to holiness, as he modeled a better way, taught by example in word and in deed.

Don’t you see, Friends, we are not called to be religious or self-righteous, we are invited to be followers of Jesus, not a religion.  Jesus lived and loved radically.  Count me in.

Jesus knew his strength lie in his connection with his Father, so he met alone to pray, to connect, and to seek direction.  Jesus was intentional in carving out time alone to be with God, and so we must.  He said and did only what his father had him do; he did not execute his own will, but rather his Father’s plan and purposes. 

Ultimately, he allowed himself to suffer and die, without defending himself . . . for you, for me.  Jesus told them ahead of time, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man on the cross, then you will understand that I Am he…” and some believed.  We view the cross as a finished work, ours to apprehend and to share with others so that they may believe.

Lord Jesus, we believe.  We want to live and love radically . . . just as you did.  Amen.


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