All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


Smile still in dim of day as proof that not a mound on high can capture your joy away;

When skys look troublesome to your sight, remember the guise of a deceitful plight, because hidden schemes are more distructive;

Deliver your steps unto the path a’straight, for they’ll maintain a way your rescue; whereas phony paths shall display only to foreshow you a’baffle;

And pardon the patron who fails to pray; award him your blessings in response of treason, for the Lord loves even a witted person;

Find serenity in a quaver’s den, and you’ll have found a priceless gem, a place of envy for those unfinding;

But most of all, when life unravels, keep hold an immense smile; nothing ever showed it a wrong, and Father loves an elation of strong;

For, only when you do these things will you delight in His protective being.

--If this poem sounds elementary, that's because I know nothing about writing poems, lol... This just started to come to me and so I wrote it down. Not quite sure what the actual theme is yet, myself, haha. I tried to tie one in there after I wrote a bunch of lines :D

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Comment by Theresa on January 18, 2010 at 2:21am
I absolutely LOVE this poem Ginny, this is a very deep poem and full of intelligence and life, looks like you were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write it.
Blessing and love to you my sweet friend, In Christ.
Comment by David Velasquez on January 17, 2010 at 11:59pm
This is prose poetry and it's good beloved in Christ. Me like - thanks for sharing. I am going to have to read it acouple of more times, which means is good.

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