All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I've just spent the last hour here on the Net looking through some videos and came across "Letter from Hell". I posted it on my facebook wall and sent it to a whole bunch of people I know, who are Christians (or at least call themselves that).

This video, in short, is fictitious, but a great eye-opener! About a boy ending up in hell, sending his friend (a Christian) a letter to ask: WHY DID YOU NOT SHARE YOUR FAITH WITH ME?

Now I ask the question: do we share our faith enough? Do we do everything we can to make sure that those close to us knows what we know? Or are we too busy living to realize that we are not doing what we are really supposed to be doing - spreading the Gospel?

It is one thing to be open about our faith to strangers, after all they don't know us, we will probably not see them again...
But those who we know, share our lives with, who knows US??? Your friends from gym? Your buddy sitting next to you in class? Your brother, sister, husband, children? Do we actively share our faith with them, or do we asume that are saved? Do we think that they'll get the picture eventually anyway? How about your neighbor, or the shop-assistant you see everyday when you pick up your daily milk and bread from the corner cafe? What if it was possible, for those friends and loved-ones that already passed away, to send us a note...WHOULD IT BE A "THANK YOU" - NOTE, because you shared your faith and they were led to the Saviour as a result? Or would it be a confused, hurt letter because you said NOTHING...

There's an old hymn that I wish I knew all the words to... GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAINS...don't just tell it on the mountains. Talk about it at work, at school, at home. Share with your loved-ones even if you think they are saved already. Only One knows our hearts well enough to know if we are truely saved. Don't asume that your friends are saved just because you are.

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Comment by Sugar on August 12, 2009 at 7:21pm
Natasha, as of now that is like my biggest prayer. I want to share my faith with others. I want others to know Christ. I want to go out into the field and try to reach as many as I can through Christ Jesus. I have prayed that God would give me more boldness to reach out to others before it is to late.

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