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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

As Christian we called to intimate the light to point people toward Jesus. As the word of God points in John 1:6- A man named John, who was sent by God, was the first to clearly articulate the source of this light and John 1:8- John was not the Light. He merely pointed to the Light. How else are people are suppose to believe in Jesus? As long as darkness is around they cannot see who Jesus really is. But when the light comes it begins to unfold God mystery. As the word of God says in John 1:5- A light that thrives in the depths of darkness, blazes through murky bottoms. It cannot and will not be quenched. Before Jesus came into our lives we were all dwelling in darkness. As the word of God says in Isaiah 9:2- The people who been living in darkness have seen a great light. The light of life has shined on those who dwelt in the shadowy darkness of death. Think about this you might not have a job as full pledge minister of the church. But you do have a job as a witness for Jesus Christ. You can bring in all kinds of people for the Lord, and even ask him how to catch people. As the word of says in Luke 5:10-and so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” We live in some dark times, and it is starting to get hard for people to believe in Jesus because people are falling away from the true God.As the word of God says in John 12:35- Light is among you, but very soon it will flicker out. Walk as you have the light and then the darkness will not surround you. Those who walk in darkness don't know where they are going. Jesus wants us to be known as people of light, so people can glorified God. As the word of God says in Matthew 5:14- And you beloved, are the light of the world. A city built on a hilltop cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:15- Similarly it would be silly to light a lamp and then hide it under a bowl. When someone lights a lamp, she puts it on a table or a desk or chair, and the light illumines the entire house. Matthew 5:16-You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation,so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see your devotion to Me, and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it. Another way of showing that you are become like Christ. Is praying for your enemies, that's right praying for the ones that completely hate you, the ones that are always coming against you in some fashion .I don't particular know who you enemies are, but my enemies have spread a very vicious report about me. I must say it is not easy to pray for those who have done you wrong. Because I was concern more about my own justice.And God will have known of it. Because he has been very kind to me. And because you know God is not a respecter of persons ( he does not show favorites.) As the word of God show in Matthew 5:45-in so doing, you become children of your Father in heaven. He , after all loves each of us-good and evil, kind and cruel. He causes the sun to rise and shine on evil and good alike. He causes the rain to water the fields of the righteous and the fields of the sinner . Your prayers and kindness can open a door for them so God can give them a chance to repent. As the word of God says in 2 Timothy 2:25- gently instructing those who stand up against you. Besides, the time may come when God grants them a change of heart so that they can arrive at the full knowledge of truth. And 2 Timothy 2:26- And if they come to their senses, they can escape the devil's snare and walk freed from his captivity and evil bidding.God wants us to be blameless so we can shine like stars. As the word of God says in Philippians 2:15-so you will be found innocent and blameless;you are God's children called to live without a single stain on your reputations among this perverted and crooked generation. Shine like stars across the land. That's rights saints shine and shine on! God bless you all in Jesus Name
If you want a relationship with Jesus says this prayer: Lord Jesus I am sinner and I want to be deliver from this body of sin and death. And you are the only one who can deliver me from its clutches. Lord Jesus I ask you for your forgiveness and to set free from the penalty of my sins. I ask that you will blot out everyone that I have done. And that you will seal me with your Holy Spirit and baptize me with your Holy Spirit as well. And that you will keep me  forever. In Jesus Name.Amen
Go to a God fearing church, get a New King James Version,Have fellowship with the brethren, and read your bible daily and live it out, and pray daily.God bless you on your journey in Jesus Name. Amen

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Comment by Tawny Ealy on November 25, 2013 at 4:35pm
Aww God bless you Amanda!

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