(Another from the achives... study in Proverbs...)
Wisdom, that is!! Proverbs depicts Wisdom as being a lady, compared to the harlot called Folly.
Here are her credentials:
- Her companion is Understanding, and they both call out to the simple and the foolish ones.
- What she says is excellent, right, true and just, and to those who understand it is VERY plain, and to those who find knowledge it is right.
- You may have the choicest of gold and silver and the rarest of rubies, but she is far more precious.
- She dwells with another lady named Prudence, a very discrete lady.
- Things she can't stand are: wickedness and evil, pride and arrogance, the evil way, and the perverse mouth.
- Her special possessions are: counsel, common sense, understanding and strength.
- With her help kings can reign and rulers decree justice.
- She loves those who love her.
- She can be found by those who diligently seek after her.
- And as a bonus, she has riches and honour, enduring wealth and righteousness.
- She was there with God at the very beginning of creation, and she was involved in the creating process.
That's all in
Proverbs 8:1-31. Read it and see how the Bible puts it.
And she was not just for back then, but she also speaks to us today. In the
rest of the chapter, she instructs us to...
- Listen - blessed are those who keep her ways;
- Hear instruction and be wise;
- And DO NOT refuse or neglect her instructions.
The benefits are awesome. It means LIFE and favour from the Lord. But if we neglect her, we can only expect trouble to our own souls, and those who hate wisdom and her advice just simply love DEATH!!
So again, we have the choices... Life or Death... the are only TWO ways to go, and only ONE WAY to life and peace!!!
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