All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

What is life about? Life is such a beautiful place to be in . . . . Many unfortunately get discouraged about it-- but what they don't know or realize is that life is full of surprises. Life is honestly like a never ending roller coaster ride that spins and takes you on a journey never to be forgotten. Hurdles, challenges, problems arise -- but it's okay because there is no hurdle that is unsurpassable. I believe that all individuals have the potential and capability to do anything their heart desires. You just need to believe in yourself. The fundamental and most mandatory elements for survival are having faith in yourself, believing in yourself, and never letting go of that passion within your heart; that light that shines from within you. That light will always survive unless you blow it out. Paint the beautiful picture of life -- the one you envision, and the one that makes you close your eyes and smile . . . you are the author of your life, the creator, and the painter -- laugh your heart away and never give up!

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