All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

1.Lord, I claim the promise from DEUTERONOMY 30:19–20. I refuse the spiritual death that results from a life of sin; instead, I choose life. I choose righteousness. I choose to walk in obedience to Your Word and Your will. In response, I believe You will cause a spirit of obedience to rest upon ____________ . Instead of the curse of death, he/she will inherit a legacy of life—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—and obediently walk in it all the days of his/ her life. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)

2.Lord, I claim this promise from Deuteronomy 30:19–20. Because I choose to live for truth and for God, I believe spiritual life will be passed to my child. I pray that he/she will continue the family tradition of choosing life and be filled with the very life of God. In doing so, ____________ will escape the destructive results of a life of sin. I confess that the life-giving attributes of God’s nature—love, joy, peace, righteousness, and goodness—will fill our home, our lives, and our relationship. Yes, I choose life for myself and for my of spring. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!

3.Lord, I claim the promise of   DEUTERONOMY 30:6 for my child a circumcised heart, that You will “cutaway” the worldliness, the carnality, and the sensuality that could otherwise corrupt him/her. I acknowledge that this is a promised divine deliverance, a supernatural act of God, and not something I can force by mere religious instruction. I trust You, Lord, to work this awesome, internal transformation in ____________ and give him/her a circumcised heart. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!

  1. Lord, I confess according to promise of DEUTERONOMY 7:9 that I am in a covenant relationship with You, and I believe my descendants are as well. I am committed to You, and You are committed to me. I believe You will honor our relationship by committing Yourself also to the welfare of my child in body, soul, and spirit. I believe You will grant _____________ grace to walk in a covenant relationship with You and prosper all the days of his/ her life. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so).
  2. Lord, I believe You according to DEUTERONOMY 7:9 that you store up mercy for the of spring of the righteous. If my child errs in life, I believe Your mercy will guide him/her back to You to find forgiveness, cleansing, and restoration. Lord, have mercy upon _____________ and deliver him/her in every trial, temptation, failure, or disappointment. I appeal to You, O Father of mercies, to make my child a vessel of mercy on whom You will pour out Your glory and through whom You will express Your mercy to others. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  3. Lord, based on the promises of Acts 16:31, I claim salvation for my child. I believe You will contend with any satanic force that may be contending with our family. You are the God of an army of angels that have been “sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation” (Heb. 1:14, KJV). So dispatch them, Lord, to protect and defend my child. I pray You will save ______________ from the deception of this world and grant him/her all the benefits of salvation. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  4. Acc to PROVERBS 20:7 , Father God, I thank You first for the grace to walk in integrity that I may pass this heritage on to my child. When deceit is more convenient, let me be honest instead. When compromise entices, let commitment surge within me. When hypocrisy stalks me, let sincerity guard my soul. When immorality woos my mind, let my heart remain pure and my standards strong. Help me to be a role model for my child. Give me the grace to be strong in these areas of character and then transfer this legacy of inner strength to ____________ with all of its benefits and blessings. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  5. O God, Acc to PSALM 37:25, I confess over my family that You are the Lord our Provider. I believe You will always make ample provision for my child. Even during hard times, I pray that _____________ will always have suf icient food and shelter. Moreover, I praise You for leading ____________ into the right career and giving him/her the best job opportunities and the highest wages possible. I declare before Your throne that my seed will never have to beg. Favor will go before ____________, and golden doors of opportunity will continually open before him/her, both naturally and spiritually. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  6. Lord, Acc to PSALM 25:12–13, I pray that _____________ will “inherit the land,” that he/she will be a person of influence in this world. I believe that through my child You will mold and shape the values of his/her generation in a positive and powerful way. I also confess that ____________ will inherit the land in a literal sense, ruling and reigning with You in the kingdom of God to come, forever and ever. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  7. Lord, Acc to ISAIAH 44:3, I thirst for You. I pray that Your living water will fill my soul and flow through my child as well. I confess that my son/ daughter will never be like a desert but will blossom with the beauty of the Lord and bear fruit for Your kingdom. Because I thirst for righteousness, I trust that Your presence will be with my child always, guarding, guiding, and instructing him/her in every situation. As ____________ begins seeking You and drinking of Your presence, I pray that this spiritual water will become in him/ her a well of water springing up into everlasting life. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  8. Lord God, Acc to ISAIAH 44:3–4 ,I thank You by faith for Your blessing descending on my child. Let it pour down like the rain of heaven. I believe that this divine blessing will be evidenced in every area of my child’s life— physically, materially, socially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Your Word declares that “the blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it” (Prov. 10:22). Thank You for enriching _____________ with all the benefits You have promised in Your Word, crowning his/her life with the best that heaven can provide. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  9. Lord, Acc to ISAIAH 44:3–4 I believe _____________ will spring up before You and be humble, submissive, and adoring toward You all his/her days. I confess that because You promised to pour out Your Spirit and Your blessing on my of spring, it will come to pass. ____________ will ever grow in the things of God, nourished by the constant flow of the river of God’s presence in his/her life. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  10. Lord, Acc to ISAIAH 54:13 I believe that no one can come to You unless the Holy Spirit draws him. I also believe that when this happens, Your Spirit intends to lead that person—step-by-step—into all truth. I claim this kind of divine instruction for my child. I confess that the “Spirit of wisdom” (Eph. 1:17) will open ____________’s eyes to the truth and reveal to him/her the “deep things of God” (1 Cor. 2:10). I also believe You will teach _____________ how to have fruitful and godly relationships and a successful life in every way. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  11. Lord, Acc to ISAIAH 54:13 I believe, as Your Word promises, that You will extend peace to me “like a river” (Isa. 66:12) and that this peace will flow over the soul of my child as well. I pray that ____________ will be preserved from the things that can create stress, strife, and anxiety in our hearts. May ____________ always maintain “peace with God” (Rom. 5:1), a harmonious relationship with You, and may the “peace of God” (Phil. 4:7) always abide within him/her. Your Word declares that You are the God of peace. I pray that ____________ will so completely yield to Your peaceful nature that he/she even becomes a means of passing this wonderful gift on to others— fulfilling the call to be a “peacemaker” in the earth (Matt. 5:9). In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  12. Lord God, Acc to PSALM 103:17 ,I pray first that my child will understand the righteousness that comes as a gift from God. I also pray and believe that he/she will access this righteousness by faith and respond by living righteously before You all of his/her days. May ____________ “hunger and thirst for righteousness” (Matt. 5:6) and, as a result, be “filled with the fruits of righteousness” (Phil. 1:11). In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  13. Lord, Acc to JEREMIAH 31:17, I confess that as long as there is a God in heaven, there is hope. If ___________ ever strays from Your will, or if this has already happened, I confess that my child will always come back to the “boundary” of the truth. I claim that ___________ will be blessed to dwell in a spiritual land of promise, a land filled with both the promises in Your written Word and any living word promises You have spoken over his/her life. Most importantly, I confess that __________ will be restored to the perfection of paradise when You return in glory. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  14. Lord God, on the basis of Psalm 128:3, I pray that my child will be like an olive plant at my table, that ____________ will bear much fruit, and be a blessing to others and a praise to God in the earth. If he/she faces rough and rocky places in life, I believe my child will be able to endure with Your help. I confess that the “oil of gladness” (the anointing of the Holy Spirit) will flow through ____________ powerfully to extend the kingdom of God in this world. I speak these things knowing that Your Word will not return void. It will accomplish what You have declared. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  15. Lord God, Acc to 1 CORINTHIANS 7:14 ,I declare that my son/daughter is holy unto the Lord, dedicated to You, and consecrated to Your purposes. I believe You will honor my commitment to You by separating ____________ from the world and drawing him/her to Yourself. I pray and believe ____________ will be kept from the defilement and corruption that is so rampant in the earth today. Instead, I confess that by grace my child will have a passion for holiness and be pleasing in Your sight. In the name of Jesus, amen
  16. Lord God, Acc to ISAIAH 59:21 I thank You for all the truths You have revealed to me. I declare that these truths will not end with me. Part of the legacy I pass to my son/daughter are the God-given insights that have transformed my life. Lord, You prayed for Your disciples, saying, “[Father,] I have given them the words which You have given Me” (John 17:8). I pray the same for __________, that he/she will receive the same revelation of truth You have given me. I pray that my child will be personally transformed by this insight, that he/she will always live according to the truth, and that __________ will be a powerful voice of truth in a world full of spiritual deception. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)
  17. Lord God, Acc to MATTHEW 18:10 You are the Lord of hosts, the God of an army of angels who are poised and ready for battle. I confess that at least one angel is assigned to constantly watch over ____________, to ensure divine protection and provision in his/her life. According to Your Word, just one angel defeated the entire Assyrian army (2 Kings 19:35). So one angel in my child’s life is sufficient to bring deliverance in every area of need. Yet I believe that there are many ministering spirits actively engaged in ministering to our family—that we might inherit all the benefits of salvation. I praise You that this very thing is taking place right now. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  18. Lord God, Acc to DEUTERONOMY 30:19–20 I first confess that I not only believe in You, but I also cling to You. In times of difficulty my intentions are to hold on to You with all my might. I pray You will awaken this depth of dependency in my son/daughter. Instead of clinging to the things of the world for fulfillment and satisfaction, may ____________ always cling to You—with a tenacity that will never let go. I confess that this kind of spiritual stick-to-itiveness will be the prevailing attitude of my child’s heart all the days of his/her life. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  19. Lord, Acc to ISAIAH 43:5–7 I pray that You will gather _____________ unto Yourself and deliver him/her from all the entrapments of this world. Because of the covenant we share, all that I have belongs to You. So, I confess Your name over _____________, and I believe You will claim him/her as Your own. I trust You to prevent _____________ from devoting his/her life to that which would glorify human achievement alone. Instead, awaken such divinely inspired purpose in my child that glory ascends to You from his/her life. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  20. Lord God, Acc to 1 KINGS 11:38, my passion is to heed Your commandments and walk in Your ways. Therefore, I have a right to expect the fulfillment of this promise. In an age of great instability in many families, I believe that I will have “an enduring house.” I pray that a spirit of endurance will also rest upon my child, that ____________ will always be able to “endure temptation” and “endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (James 1:12; 2 Tim. 2:3). I confess by faith that ____________ will be able to “run with endurance” (Heb. 12:1) the race set before him/her and successfully make it all the way to heaven. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  21. Acc to PSALM 115:14, O Lord of increase and abundance, I pray that You will be mindful of all the seeds of truth I have planted in my son/daughter. I pray these seeds will be watered by much love—both mine and Yours— and that they will germinate, grow, and bring forth great increase in every area of my child’s life. Lord Jesus, just as You increased in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man, so let it be for my child. Yes, I pray, believe, and confess that ___________ will increase “with the increase that is from God” (Col. 2:19). In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  22. Lord, Acc to PROVERBS 14:26, I claim that an atmosphere of the fear of the Lord will permeate my home and hover over my family—a loving devotion that trembles at Your holiness and melts in Your presence. I declare that You are Lord of this home. I honor and reverence You to the highest degree. I pray this heart attitude of the fear of the Lord will always abide within my child, and that as a result ____________ will walk in strong confidence all the days of his/her life. I confess that he/ she will never be intimidated by people, afraid of circumstances, or overwhelmed by challenges. Instead, may ____________ always have a sense of unfailing security in You and in the grace You provide. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  23. Lord God, Acc to PROVERBS 14:26 I declare that I fear You, and I have endeavored to instill this reverential awe in my child. We honor You and exalt You to the highest place in our lives. We are filled with awe at Your greatness, Your holiness, and Your power. Because of this, I believe You will respond by building a wall of defense around us. I claim divine protection for my child in every area of life, especially as we approach the last days. Though this world is filled with danger and deception, I confess that ____________ will always have a place of refuge in You. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  24. Lord God Acc to DEUTERONOMY 30:1–3, who bought our freedom through Your death, burial, and resurrection, I recommit myself and my child to You. We have, at times, strayed from Your perfect will through our attitudes and actions, and ended up in some kind of captivity. I repent for myself and for ____________. I pray You will have compassion on us and deliver us from every area of bondage. I fully expect that You will do these things because You paid such an awesome price to set us free. Now it is our privilege and responsibility to respond. Through the weapons of warfare that You have given us, we bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5). I refuse to accept any stronghold of negative or worldly thinking in me or in ___________. I claim the blood of Jesus, the name of the Lord, and the Word of God—weapons that are “mighty in God” (2 Cor. 10:4), toppling every area of resistance in both of us. As Scripture declares, “Evil people will surely be punished, but the children of the godly will go free” (Prov. 11:21, NLT). I claim that freedom in our family. In the name of Jesus, amen
  25. Lord God, Acc to DEUTERONOMY 30:1–3 I repent of all my shortcomings and areas of failure. I return to You with all my heart and recommit myself to Your purpose. I believe You will honor Your Word, showing compassion to me and to my child ___________. I also believe that You will even cause others to show compassion toward us, because we are submitted to You. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  26. Lord, Acc to DEUTERONOMY 4:39–40 I confess that You are God in heaven and on earth, and I seek to obey Your commandments. Therefore, I believe that it will “go well” with me and with my child __________ as You promised—in every area of life. I believe this so completely that even in challenging or difficult times in my child’s life, I dare to confess by faith, “It is well.” In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  27. Lord God, Acc to PSALM 139:13–14 I believe that my child has been “fearfully and wonderfully made.” I confess that Your hand covered ____________ in the womb and that Your hand will cover him/her all the days of his/her life. I believe that You have formed my child’s “inward parts” (the potential personality and inner, spiritual capacity). I rest in this truth and pray that You will continue to involve Yourself in the soulish and spiritual development of my child, just as You involved Yourself in his/her physical development in the womb. Finally, I confess that the future of my child is not up to chance; You have a plan for ____________. I praise You for causing it to unfold perfectly according to Your pleasure and predetermined purpose. Such knowledge is so wonderful; it moves my heart to worship You, O Lord of the past, present, and future. I declare victory in advance. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  28. Lord God, Acc to DEUTERONOMY 4:40, I make a commitment to obey Your commandments, to seek wisdom, to set my love upon You, and to fill my home with Your Word—that my days and the days of my child may be long upon the earth. More importantly, I confess that my faith is set upon You, Jesus, that I might inherit the gift of eternal life. May this gift of all gifts also be poured out on my son/daughter, that ____________ and I might live forever in Your presence. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so).
  29. Lord God, Acc to DEUTERONOMY 4:40, I declare that I honor Your Word—that it will always be in my mouth. I will meditate on it day and night, and I will always seek to live within its boundaries. I believe this will bring good success in my own life and in the life of my son/daughter. I now pass on this legacy of a Word-based lifestyle to ___________. It will cause my child to be successful everywhere he/she goes. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  30. Lord God, Acc to PROVERBS 11:21, there are many deadly influences around my child. The world’s system, which is dominated by the evil one, will destroy the souls of children who are unprotected. But I claim the blood of Jesus over my home and my of spring. I believe ____________ will be preserved from evil for “the eye of the Lord is on those . . . who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death” (Ps. 33:18–19). In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  31. Lord God, Acc to PROVERBS 22:15 how foolish this world is with its ungodly agendas and its refusal to surrender to the truth. Your Word says that even the “thought of foolishness is sin” (Prov. 24:9, KJV). I repent of it all. I ask You to cleanse me and my child of all worldly influence. I recognize that “ foolishness is bound up in the heart” of my child because of an inherited fallen nature. But Your Word can remove it and drive it far from him/her. I pray that ___________ will not succumb to the foolishness of the carnal nature but will instead embrace the wisdom of God and receive a new nature. I make a commitment to lovingly discipline my child when it is needed so that the “rod of my mouth” will lead him/her in the way of truth and bring comfort to my child, now and forevermore. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  32. Lord God, Acc to PROVERBS 22:6, when You came to earth, You trained us by sharing many truths that challenge the world’s way of doing things. But more than that, You lived out those concepts before us. Help me to properly train my child, not only in words but also with my example. Let both leave a lasting impression on my child’s heart and mind, so that when ____________ is grown, he/she will not depart from the right way of living. I claim this promise and expect it to come to pass. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  33. Lord, Acc to ISAIAH 65:23 I confess that I did not bring ____________ into this world to be destroyed by the troubling things that abound here. As a family we may face temptations and trials, but we know You will be our “strength in the time of trouble” (Ps. 37:39), a “refuge in times of trouble” (Ps. 9:9), and You will even “preserve” us “from trouble” (Ps. 32:7). I declare by faith, in the end, that any troublesome thing encountered in life will only serve to help God’s purposes in us to achieve final fulfillment. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)! (See also Proverbs 11:8; 12:13.)


  1. Lord God, Acc to ISAIAH 65:23–24, I confess that my child and I are blessed and that You are watching over us constantly—ever anticipating our future needs. You promised that before we call upon You, the answer will be sent. I claim that kind of divine oversight for my son/daughter. May ____________ never face anything in life without Your grace and provision being supplied ahead of time and manifesting right when it is needed. In the name of Jesus, amen.
  2. Lord God, You deserve to be praised with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. I pray that You will make ____________ a true vessel of praise. May he/she always react to the blessings of God with great gratitude and heartfelt adoration flowing toward Your throne. Yes, Lord, I confess that my child will be a true worshipper all the days of his/her life. In the name of Jesus, amen
  3. Lord God, Acc to PSALM 102:28, You remain the same yesterday, today, and forever. I pray that You will so infuse my family with Your nature that we also never change in our commitment to the truth. Give me grace first as a parent to continue in Your Word—always abiding by its commands and claiming its promises. Then let this legacy pass to my child. I pray that ____________ will be consistent in his/her relationship with You, and that he/she will continue in the grace of God, in the faith, in Your goodness, and in earnest prayerfulness. In the name of Jesus, amen
  4. Lord, Acc to PSALM 102:28 ,thank You for showing me the source of stability. I declare over my household, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea” (Ps. 46:1–2). Yes, even in times of cataclysmic upheaval we can trust in You and be unmoved. I claim this kind of stability for myself and for my child. I believe You will “establish peace for us,” “establish the work of our hands,” and establish our “hearts blameless in holiness before our God . . . at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Isa. 26:12; Ps. 90:17; 1 Thess. 3:13). In the name of Jesus, amen
  5. Lord, Acc to PSALM 112:1–2 I live before You in godly fear, revering Your holiness and standing in awe of Your majesty and power. My passion is to keep Your commandments. I delight in obeying Your Word. So, according to this promise, I can expect my child to do mighty works for the kingdom of God and change this world in a powerful way. Father, I pray that You will awaken the “Spirit of might” in ____________ and strengthen him/her “with might” through Your Spirit “in the inner man” (Eph. 3:16). In the name of Jesus, amen.
  6. Acc to PSALM 112:1–3 Lord God of heaven and earth, I confess that the earth is Yours and the fullness of it. All the silver is Yours and all the gold. All the cattle on a thousand hills belong to You. So I claim this promise of wealth for my son/daughter, but not just for his/her benefit personally. More importantly, I claim this promise so that ____________ will be used by You, Lord, to finance Your work and the great harvest of souls that will come in these last days. I also pray, Lord God, that wealth will never corrupt my child, but that on the contrary he/she will always seek the wealth of Your people, just as Mordecai did so many years ago (Esther 10:3, KJV). Once this blessing manifests, may ____________ always remember to help the poor and those in need, for this is the heart of God. In the name of Jesus, amen.
  7. Acc to PSALM 112:1–3 Lord God of the entire universe, all things belong to You. In Your abundant generosity You have promised to meet all our needs according to Your riches in glory. I pray first for ____________, that the Word of God will dwell in him/her richly and that he/she will be filled with the riches of Your mercy, Your goodness, and Your grace. I believe that ____________ will not only be rich in faith but also rich in good works, as Scripture commands (1 Tim. 6:18). I also claim natural riches for my child, but not to the detriment of his/her relationship with You. Let riches increase in his/her life, but let love for God increase even more, so that my child, above all, is “rich toward God” (Luke 12:21). Since I believe You have already purposed to do this, by faith I confess over ____________ the words of 1 Corinthians 4:8, “Now ye are rich” (KJV). In the name of Jesus, amen
  8. Lord God, Acc to DEUTERONOMY 7:7–8 I confess that my son/daughter is loosed from all bondage —set free by the precious blood of Jesus. No past, present, or future bondage will ever prevail against ____________. The world, sin, deception, satanic enticements, the flesh, even fear of death—none of these things will ever be able to enslave this child who is dedicated to You. I pray that You will always be a deliverer, guardian, and guide to ____________, bringing him/her out of any weakness, darkness, or dif icult situation of life. I pray that by Your mighty hand You will lead my child into the promised land of his/her destiny. You are the almighty God! There is nothing too hard for You! So I declare redemption over my of spring, believing it will come to pass. In the name of Jesus, amen.
  9. Lord God Almighty, Acc to ACTS 2:17 ,I pray that according to the promise of Acts 2:17, You will pour out Your Spirit on ____________ and awaken a prophetic calling and gift in his/her life. Thank you for manifesting prophetic knowledge in ____________ on several levels: first, that he/she will understand Your Word by divine inspiration; second, that he/she will be able to effectively prophesy truth to others by the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit; and third, that he/she will have great insight into the prophetic events that will unfold in the last days as we near Your return. I pray that You will grant ____________ prophetic words, dreams, and visions. Give my child grace to boldly proclaim what he/she receives from You. I confess that these things will happen, all for Your glory and the advancement of Your kingdom. In the name of Jesus, amen.
  10. Lord God Almighty, Acc to ACTS 2:17 I confess this promise of vision over my son/ daughter. Thank You for pouring out Your Spirit on ___________ and supernaturally revealing Your plans for his/her life. I pray You will also cause my child’s heart to burn with passionate commitment to the holy cause that You place within him/her. Holy Father, I believe You will open my child’s spiritual sight, even to the point that he/she will receive actual visions from above in the same way You gave Samuel a supernatural revelation when he was a child. I pray that ____________ will never accept a mundane and normal life but will reach out with visionary zeal to embrace the uncommon and God-inspired goals that are a part of Your plan. On the basis of this promise in Acts 2:17 I claim both waking visions and night visions (inspired dreams) for my child, that he/she might be led into the depths of Your purpose and be a champion for the truth in this world. In the name of Jesus, amen


 Lord God, Acc to PROVERBS 12:7, I believe that my child will stand firm, trusting in the promises of God no matter what he/she faces in life. I confess that _____________ will stand against temptation when it entices, stand for the truth when others compromise, and stand in faith when circumstances cause doubt to cloud his/her mind. I pray ____________ will be a worshipper and stand in Your holy place (Ps. 24:3). I pray ___________ will be an intercessor and “stand in the gap” for others (Ezek. 22:30). Finally, I pray that ____________ will never be intimidated by fearful things in life but will “stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord” (Exod. 14:13). In the name of Jesus, amen

  1. Lord God, Acc to PSALM 91:9–10 I believe the promise of Deuteronomy 7:15 that You will take away all sickness from Your people. But better still, I believe the promise of Psalm 91:10—that no sickness will come near my dwelling. Thank You for protecting ____________ from all disease and imparting divine health to our family—wholeness in body, mind, soul, and spirit. You are the Lord our healer (Exod. 15:26), and You are Lord of our home. In the name of Jesus, amen
  2. Lord God, Acc to PSALM 78:5–6 Your Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. This is such a dark world, full of deception and death. There are no survivors here except those who discover Your truth and live in it. Help me to transfer to my of spring the correct interpretation of Your Word, and awaken in ____________ a deep understanding of truth and a strong appreciation of its value. Help me to live your Word before my child so that he/she receives a living example of how the Word of God should mold our lives. Then empower ____________ to walk in my footsteps and be a testimony of truth to the next generation. In the name of Jesus, amen.
  3. Lord, Acc to PSALM 78:5–7, I set my hope in You—always and in all things. I declare that there is no hopeless situation. Thank You for giving me the courage to expect Your promises to be fulfilled. This hope is the “anchor” of my soul in stormy seas. By faith I pass this spiritual capacity to my child—the ability to hold on tenaciously to the promises of God, no matter what happens in life. I believe that You will fill ____________ with “all joy and peace in believing” that he/she may always “abound in hope” through the power of the Holy Spirit, as we both look forward to that “blessed hope” of Your return, and “ the hope of glory” that resides within us. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)! (See Hebrews 6:19; Romans 15:13; Colossians 1:27.)
  4. Lord God Almighty, Acc to PSALM 78:5–7 ,I praise You for all Your mighty works— those You have accomplished in generations past and those You have wrought during my lifetime. Give me grace to transfer to my child not only the knowledge of these works but also the expectation that You can move in his/her behalf as well. Don’t ever let my child forget what You have done. I claim the ever-constant overshadowing of the Spirit of truth upon ____________, bringing all of Your works and Your Word to his/her remembrance, that he/she might serve You and be kept from this evil world (John 14:17, 26). In the name of Jesus, amen
  5. Lord God Almighty, Acc to PSALM 78:5–7 I declare that we as a family are accountable to You. I submit to Your authority and believe in Your commandments. I trust in Your promise to write Your law within my heart—and I pray You will do the same for my child, that we may have a natural, inborn inclination to walk in Your ways. I pray that ____________ will willingly embrace the first great commandment to love God with all his/her heart, and the second great commandment, which is to love others as we love ourselves. As these complementary attitudes take over my child’s heart and life, keeping the rest of Your commandments will automatically ensue. I pass this knowledge to my child, believing ____________ will have a passion to live within Your revealed will for humankind. In the name of Jesus, amen.
  6. Lord God, Acc to PSALM 144:11–12, help me to walk in genuine faith, then reproduce the same in my son/daughter. I have “planted” ____________ “in the house of the Lord” (Ps. 92:13). Therefore, as Scripture promises, I expect him/her to flourish in the things of God. Awaken in my child the understanding that earthly things are temporary and heavenly things are eternal—and give him/her a desire for those things that endure forever. I confess that ____________ will mature in God at an early age. Even as Hannah “planted” her son Samuel in God’s house and he became a “mature plant” early in life—receiving supernatural visitations as a young boy (1 Sam. 1–3)—so let it be for my child. In the name of Jesus, amen
  7. Lord God, Acc to PSALM 144:12 thank You for making my child like a pillar—unmovable, and unchanging in his/her commitment to You. Let my child be wise, upright, full of authority, determined, and excellent in all things. I pray ___________ will be like Jeremiah and will stand for the truth (like an iron pillar) even when it is unpopular. Finally, I confess by faith that ____________ will ultimately be like a pillar “sculptured in palace style,” an eternal pillar in the temple of God, one who will rule with God over all things in the kingdom that is to come. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
  8. Lord God, acc to PSALM 144:11–12 I pray that You will give my child the courage to be an individual, to stand for what is right, and to be creative in serving You day by day. I confess that You will initiate something of great value through ____________ that the world might be a better place. Empower him/her to be a cornerstone, a trendsetter, establishing divinely inspired plans and purposes in the earth. Give me grace to prepare my child, not for the “shack” of mediocrity but for the “palace” of excellence, polishing ____________ so his/her gifts and callings are fully manifested. In the name of Jesus, amen.
  9. Lord God, Acc to JEREMIAH 32:39 first I repent of any inconsistencies that have been in my life. Forgive me for those times I’ve failed as a parent to model a Christlike walk before my child. I pray You will grant me singleness of heart and singleness of purpose that I may never depart from the things of God. I pray this unwavering determination will also be awakened in ____________ so that both of us can truly experience a good life to the highest possible degree, filled and overflowing with the goodness of the Lord. In the name of Jesus, amen
  10. Lord God, Acc to PSALM 90:16, I declare that I am a servant of God. I renew my commitment to serve Your purposes in this world. Because I am yielded in this way, I expect You to work in my life, and I expect to participate in Your works in this world. I also confess by faith in this promise that Your glory will be manifested to my child. I praise You for supernaturally revealing Your power and greatness to _______________ that praise might flow from his/her life upward to Your throne. Lord, I trust You to do glorious things—in, for, and through my child—that will bring glory to Your name forevermore. In the name of Jesus, amen.
  11. Lord God, Acc to PSALM 127:3 first I thank You for my child. I receive ____________ as an inheritance from You. I praise You that my image and values are being passed to my son/daughter. I am a co-laborer with You, creatively working—both naturally and spiritually—to fill the earth with God-loving people. I thank You for the ability to transfer to my child an inheritance of what I have, but more importantly, an inheritance of who I am and what I do. I am a servant of God, a child of God, and a member of the bride of Christ, married to You forever. These glorious facets of my identity I bequeath to ____________ by faith. May he/she receive this inheritance with gratitude and faith, and then become “an inheritance from the Lord” that is passed to the next generation. In the name of Jesus, amen
  12. Lord God, PSALM 127:3 acc to I claim this passage by faith: that my child is part of the inheritance You have given Me. ____________ is a gift from God, a reward from You. I confess and believe that he/she will fulfill the role You intended and will perpetuate biblical values in the earth. I have planted many seeds of truth in ____________. I believe that he/she will bear much fruit for the kingdom and ultimately receive a great reward from God as well. In the name of Jesus, amen
  13. Lord God, acc to PSALM 127:3 and Galatians 3:9, announces that those who are “of faith” are “blessed with faithful Abraham” I declare that one of my greatest blessings will be the continuation of God’s blessing through my of spring. I confess that ____________ is, and will be, a great blessing to me. But more importantly, my child will be a blessing to You and to many others while in this world. May this blessing of God flow so powerfully through ____________ that it ultimately extends around the globe in its influence. In the name of Jesus, amen.
  14. Lord God of hosts, Acc to PSALM 127:3–5, You are a God of war. You are currently fighting evil principalities and powers for the control of this world. I declare that my child is not only an arrow in my quiver, but according to Isaiah 49:2, he/she is an arrow in Your quiver as well—a weapon in the hands of the almighty God. Give me grace to know the target of my child’s destiny, so that as Your hand extended, I can shoot ____________ toward the bull’s-eye of the perfect will of God for his/her life. I pray that ____________ will be used of God to win great spiritual battles, so that the kingdom of God might advance in this world. Whenever the enemy tries to slip through an entrance (“a gate”) into our family circle, let me be unashamed as a parent as I watch _____________ oppose all satanic plots, defending “the gate” and conquering valiantly for the cause of Christ. In the name of Jesus, amen
  15. Lord God, Acc to DEUTERONOMY 4:36–37 I love You with all of my heart. I am convinced that You also love me with an everlasting love, and nothing can separate me from Your love. You have surrounded my family with wonderful promises. Because of the bond of love between You and me, I believe You will choose my child as Your special treasure—leading, instructing, blessing, and helping ____________ in numerous ways that he/she might fulfill Your purposes for time and eternity. In the name of Jesus, amen.
  16. Lord God, Acc to ISAIAH 66:22 I believe my child’s eternal destiny is secure with You. In all of his/her struggles in life, I believe You will remember my commitment to You and save ____________ from this destructive world. You are the Almighty, and the intentions of Your heart will be fulfilled. You intend to bring forth a new creation (a new heaven and a new earth): free from darkness, free from pain, free from evil, free from satanic influence, and free from the curse. Nothing will change this divine purpose or prevent it from coming to pass. In like manner I believe that You intend to make my child a new creation, granting him/her the grace to love You, to serve You, and to abide in Your presence forever (2 Cor. 5:17). I confess that ____________ will also be free from darkness, free from pain, free from evil, free from satanic influence, and free from the curse forever. As the new creation shall remain before You—filled with Your presence and made perfect in every way—so shall my of spring remain: perfected in God forevermore. In the name of Jesus, amen


  1. Lord God, Acc to DEUTERONOMY 29:29, I thank You for all the revelations You have given me, especially this revelation of the promises You have bestowed on the children of Your people. This insight belongs to me. I claim it as a gift from God. It belongs to my child, ____________, also. Nothing can steal it from us. It is part of the wonderful inheritance You have imparted to us. This awesome truth has come into our home—to bless, to change, and to transform us that we might bring blessing, change, and transformation to the world. I pray and believe that You will activate these promises on our behalf, Lord, but more than that, I believe You will use us to activate these promises in the lives of others. I declare that this blessing will not end with us; it will keep passing from one life to another until it encircles the globe. In the name of Jesus, amen.

God revealed Himself to Noah, and the human race was saved from extinction (Gen. 6–9).

 God revealed Himself to Abraham, and a covenant nation was born (Gen. 17).

God revealed Himself to Moses, and Israel was delivered from slavery (Exod. 3–12).

 God revealed Himself to Saul (later to be named Paul), and the door to the Gentiles swung open wide (Acts 9).




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