All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Prayer requests come in regularly to my ministry website,  but this one really got my attention:  “Please pray that I have the strength to keep going in my position in my company.  So much is demanded of me, and has been for so long, that I am under immense pressure.  I find I have little balance between work and any kind of restful leisure, and have to fight growing resentment.  I want to honor God, please pray for me.”  Based on its date-stamp, the woman who wrote must have sent this request while working late into the night.  ‘Hmmm . . . this woman is not alone’, I thought, as I considered what she wrote.  Because of the economic downturn, companies are having fewer people cover more responsibilities than ever before, making for a fair amount of over-worked folks in our workforce. 

This woman is a follower of Jesus it seems, and so I prayed for her, AND also felt compelled to give her a meaningful response that might be useful to her.  I asked the Lord what he might say to her . . . what he might say to any of his children that are feeling the weight of the daily grind, wondering just how much longer they can bear up under the mounting pressure.

Perhaps the Lord would say something like this to the dear woman, to any who are weary from the strain--

My dear child,

Start your day with me—start every day with me!  Take in my word, sit with me, and let’s talk a little while.  Commit your day to me before it even begins . . . ask me for wisdom and guidance, and I shall supply it.  So that whether you turn to the right or to the left you will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘this is the way—walk in it.’                                          James 1.5; Isaiah 30.21

May the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be pleasing to me this day, whether you are talking to your child, your mate, or a customer on the telephone.  Whatever you set your hand to do--whether on your computer keyboard, with a pen or pencil, at the wheel of a vehicle or with a hammer, do all to my glory—work at it as unto me.  Present your work as worship to me.  Invite me into your work.  Take my yoke upon you—then there are two of us at work.  You are no longer working in your strength, but in mine.  You are no longer working alone, because I am there alongside you—just look for me there.                           Psalm 19.14; Colossians 3.23; Matthew 11.29

All the things you say and do, I see them.  When you go the extra mile, when you respond in kindness though something else might be more expected, even more natural… when you subjugate your own will to that of another, I take note, even if no one else knows … even if your paycheck does not reflect it … even if the ‘atta boy’ doesn’t come when it ‘oughta’.

If you are working for me, well, work at it with all your heart—not as though you are working for men—then you will receive an inheritance from me as a reward, which will last for eternity.  Compare an eternal reward with your paycheck, which is consumed by the high cost of living, inflation and income taxes.

Invite me into your day by pausing to be with me, to think of me, to thank me for what you see around you.  For instance, do you hear the birds outside your window?  Oh, how I delight in these creatures!  Take time to look at them; note how they grow quiet and rest at night.  Child, do you rest well at night?  That is my will for you—that when you rest, you will rest well and be restored and refreshed. 

You are intentional about other things . . . can you be more intentional about me?  As you go through your day, perhaps a little note or a symbol to remind you that I am with you, that if you ‘commit your way to me, trust in me, I will act’ or perhaps a sticky note on your desk top that says, if you ‘delight yourself in me, I will give you the desires of your heart.’    Psalm 37.5, Psalm 37.4  What will get your attention, Child, and remind you that though the cares of this world press in around you, I am greater, and I am with you.  I will never leave you.

Check your attitude … is it sweet or resentful?  Is it grateful or always wanting more, never satisfied?  Are you concerned with me, concerned with others or consumed with yourself?  Have this attitude in yourself, which was also in my son – humility.  Oh Child, consider your thoughts.  Are they pleasant or negative?  Elevate your thinking, Child, and you will elevate your attitude as well.  Look up.  Look to me.  If you remember, and if you let me, we are in this together—this work thing.  This thing you do—this thing you do which can be worship to me, depending on you, I guess.               Phiippians 2.5

Finally, my child, remember that each day is a gift from me!  My son David, who you will meet some day said, ‘This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.’  You too, my dear one … you too.                Psalm 118.24

Rejoicing on the job,


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