All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

One of the areas that I struggle with is believing that Jesus has truly saved me. I go through periods of unbelief, doubt and a lack of faith. Sometimes I feel as though God has not chosen me and I am really saved. There are many areas of my life that I know that are not "righteous" and there is a lot of things that I personally struggle with. There are times when I feel as though God is angry/disappointed with me because of something that I have said, thought or done. There are a lot of things that I need help with and I continue to pray and ask God to help and deliver me from these things. I believe that hell is real, and the last thing I want is to spend my eternity in hell, burning, without my family. So I am doing whatever I can in order to make sure that God accepts me and that I will spend my eternity with him in paradise.

I was reading through this books titled "prayers" that I ordered online. This book have a lot of wonderful prayers and reading material that would benefit everyone who is trying to find God. I read over this prayer last night at work, it's a prayer regarding being saved and our salvation... I would like to share it with everyone.

Heavenly Father, I come to you and ask you and ask You in Jesus' name to set me free from any wrong thoughts, fear, doubt, unbelief, believing any lies, any lies of the enemy, the devil or demonic spirits, any thoughts that I have that are hindering me now in coming to You. I ask You, Father God, to deliver me now in all hindrances to becoming Your born-again Kingdom child, in Jesus Christ's Holy Name. I resist the devil and all his demonic spirits must flee and leave my presence. Lord God, remove the lies and the hindrances and help me so I can say the prayer of salvation in earnest from my heart. I ask you to force out, drive out, and bind all evil things far away from me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Christian Word Ministries

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Comment by Theresa on July 28, 2009 at 10:51pm

I believe what you are going through is no different than what other Christians went through or are going through. The fact that you are doubting your salvation means very well that you are saved and Jesus is in your heart.
What the devil does because he is the accuser of the brethren, he knows he can not get to your heart, he knows you are saved, he knows Who is your Lord so what he does, he plays on your mind and your emotions. Do not listen to his lies.
I went through similar experience and I was going to lose my mind, I thought that every word in the bible were it said "wicked" was for me :) till God got hold of me and humbled me to see Him for Who He is and me for who am I .
I told Jesus that I agree with Him, His Word that says I am saved by grace and grace alone, not by works. I accepted the fact that satan cried when I met Jesus.
I placed my hands on the bible and told God that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no other way to the father except through Jesus.
Whenever doubts arise or hurts, temptations not to forgive yourself or others, forget yourself and what you think and focus on Jesus and what He did and Who He is and tell Him so. He calls you righteous and He loves you and when God looks at you, He sees Jesus.
Jesus stands between you and God the father and He loves you so much. May we keep telling God how much we love Him and appreciate Him, He is worthy of all our praise and time and lives.
I love U Deedee and I appreciate you in the body of Christ! You are blessed!
Comment by Carolyn Duplissey on July 28, 2009 at 1:36pm
precious child of God keep seeking for anyone who seeks shall find. A few things which have helped me. First I believe God said it so it is done. God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Its not a feeling its a believing which is deeper than any feeling because feelings change. If we center on feelings for salvation then we risk not being loved unconditionally and always. God is not a man that He should lie. To me the one major factor people get confused about is that He said we can't save ourselves. So if we can't and He has, then who should we believe? What we feel or what we believe He has done and said. Never will I leave you nor forsake you. We are not God but we share in His divine nature as believers. I know and believe He loves me because He is love. And I believe He said He gave His life that I might live with Him forever. The bottom line is it is received by faith and with that hearing the word of God builds our faith so keep listening and seeking. When you get Ramah word from scripture you will believe for yourself because your spirit has agreed with what God has told you. God bless you God loves you and He cares for you. Love and Light Carolyn

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