I recently read this article on Gabby Douglas 16 year old US Olympian... The article was " attacking her faith, Really?" At first read, I was angry and thought, I just wanna punch that person.. justifying my thought process into "rightous anger" How dare that person, hmmpf.... after stewing a bit over this, I felt the need to repent of my anger. I ask God why are people so mean? Quickly the Spirit reminded me 1 corinthians 1:18 that the scriptures teach us the gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. Its really not the person but more so the encmy using this person to discredit Our God. How long will God with hold his Son from His judgement? until there is none left to be saved.. God wishes that none should perish and that all should be saved..... Even the haters, have a place in the Kingdom of God should they choose to repent and accept Jesus as their Savior..I suspect I will be surprised as to who made the Kingdom cut, perhaps more surprised as to those who did not.... So I would ask that God use me in whatever capacity, out of my box into the lost hearts of those who among us need to hear the good news, to snatch the lost out of the enemies hand..."Not unto us, O Lord, Not unto us, but to Your name be glory, because of Your mercy and Your truth." Psalm 115:1-2 let not my words be hindered because of prejudices I may have against the lost. To help heal the broken hearted with love and compassion as You have me. Shine in my life Lord, give me the strength to boldly stand in love without anger and judgement, as I too once was lost. Only by Gods grace and love that I myself can be called saved.....
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