All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Religion is one of the greatest tricks that the devil has up his sleeve. Religion tells us that we can earn salvation through our works, but that is a lie. Salvation can't be earned, but it is a gift from God. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Religion focuses on what we as sinners can do to work toward our salvation, and truthfully there is nothing that we can do except repent. Jesus did everything already. It is not in our power to save ourselves. Redemption teaches that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that all that we can do is repent. It teaches that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." that verse is in Romans. Religion leads to pride, and what does the bible say about pride? It says that we need to get over our prideful ways and trust in God. The bible says "Trust not in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." Religion teaches us to trust in men, not in God. The reason that religion is one of the devil's greatest tricks is because it takes our focus off of God and puts our focus on religion and the physical church. Church is supposed to be a spiritual thing. Church is a group of people discussing God and the bible. The church God talks about isn't in stick and stone, it's not about the building you're in. It's about the spirit in which you gather. The big difference between religion and redemption is that religion focuses on elevating ourselves and redemption focuses on God.

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