All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

When we pray we must be persistent and humble. Most of all we can't depend on our own resourses to get us through problems. We need to trust God and His strength.
One of my favorite stories concerns a bishop who was traveling by ship to visit a church across the ocean. While in route, the ship stopped at an island for the day. He went for a walk on a beach. He came upon three fishermen mending their nets.
Courious about their trade he asked them some questions. Courious about his ecclesiastical robes, they asked him some questions. When they found out he was a Christian leader, they got excited. "We Christians!" They said, proudly pointing to one another.
The bishop was impressed but cautious. Did they know the Lord's Prayer? They had never heard of it.
"What do you say, then, when you pray?"
"We pray, O We are three, you are three, have mercy on us."
The bishop was appalled at the primitive nature of the prayer. "That will not do." So he spent the day teaching them the Lord's Prayer. The fishermen were poor but willing learners, and before the bishop sailed away the next day, they could recite the prayer with no mistakes.
The bishop was proud.
On the return trip the bishop's ship drew near the island again. When the island came into view the bishop came to the deck and recalled with pleasure the men he had taught and resolved to go see them again. As he was thinking a light appeared on the horizon near the island. It seemed to be getting nearer. As the bishop gazed in wonder he realized the three fishermen were walking toward him on the water. Soon all the passengers and crew were on the deck to see the sight.
When they were within speaking distance, the fishermen cried out, "Bishop, we come hurry to meet you."
"What is it you want?" asked the stunned bishop.
"We are sorry. We forget lovely prayer. We say, 'Our Father, who art in heaven, hollowed be your name...'and then we forget. Please tell us prayer again."
The bishop was humbled. "Go back to your homes, my friends, and when you pray say 'O we are three, you are three, have mercy on us."

Do you mean what you pray? Do you get caught up in just saying words and miss their meaning?
Continue to pray often--but do so out of a humble, honest heart. If the fancy prayers and big words aren't you--use your own. God wants to hear what you honestly pray.

Grace and Peace

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