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I have been listening to Harold Camping on family Radio and his interpertations of the Gospel are frightening. First of all he claims that Judgement Day is May 21, 2011 and says this truth is revealed in the later days to true believers. One of his claims that concerns me is that those chosen for the Rapture "the Elect"were selected prior to birth and no one else can ever be saved. I was always taught that belief in Christ and that He died to atone for all of our sins is the only requirement. He also claims that the Church Age is over and Satan rules in all the churches today. He goes on to say that those who attend church will not be saved. He backs this up with multiple quotes from the Bible.

For many of us who believe we are Christians. his interpertations are shocking. I believe he is sincere and he has many followers. What could be more important than Judgement day and salvation? Does anyone who truly is a student of the Bible have an explanation for this? Also, Is there any way, other than yhrough prayer, to recognize false Prophets? I admit I am not an expert on the Bible. I am rereading the Gospel more carefully and hope to have a better understanding of the Word. One thing I have trouble with is . Why woulof God give us a Book that is difficult to interpert and subject to misinterpertation?

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Comment by Robert l. McNew on June 13, 2010 at 12:28pm
Thanks to all those who responded. It is indeed true that the Holy Spirit will lead us to the Truth. It is a blessing to see so many walking with Christ.
Comment by JB on June 13, 2010 at 12:21pm
"Quote by Joe"
"You are not the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, regardless of what the flesh, your senses tell you, We walk by faith, not by sight" Thank you brother Charles, I should have proof read before posting. I stand corrected, it was a typo error. [the you are "not" should have been you are "NOW" THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS] Sorry about that, how confusing that could have been for those that are new in Christ.
Thanks again,
Comment by Charles Burwell on June 13, 2010 at 11:54am
Dear Richard

Joe Boyce has given you some very good instruction concerning who will be 'saved' and about our ' natural man not being able to receive the things of God.

When you said " I'm not an expert on the bible " I must simply remind you that few of us truly are. That is why there is no substitute for the Holy Spirit 's leading. Jesus specifically addresses this in John 16;12 - 15

' I still have many things to say to you cannot bear them now.
However , when He , THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, has come, HE WILL LEAD YOU INTO ALL TRUTH ; for
He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you of
things to come.

He wil glorify Me, for He will take of what is mine AND DECLARE IT TO YOU. (capitals mine)

Also in I Cor.2: 11 - 12

" For what man knows the things of a man except the spiritof man which is in him ? Even so no one
knows the things of God EXCEPT THE SPIRIT OF GOD.

12) Now we have recieved not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God , THAT WE

One more verses from James 1 :5

" If any of you lack wisdom, let him ASK OF GOD, Who GIVES TO ALL LIBERALLY and without reproach,

When you are seeking understanding about the things of God you must always , WITHOUT EXCEPTION ,
go to God in prayer FIRST. Then allow the Holy Spirit to LEAD you into all truth. He has a multitude of
resources to lead you to , but you must allow Him to lead you to them.

Too many try to ' figure out' what God is doing by their own intellect or reasoning. That is why there are so many ' denominations' and so much in fighting in the 'church' . 1 Corinthians 2 tells us that this can simply NOT happen.

If we all truly allowed the Spirit to lead into all truth , there would be know divisions.

Joe Boyce ,

While I agree with most of you have said I don't understand why you would say " You are not the righteous-
ness of God in Christ Jesus" in light of 2 Corinthians 5:21 where it states

" For He ( GOD ) made Him ( Jesus ) who knew no sin to be sin for us , that we might BECOME THE

I hope that that was simply a typo on your part.

God bless you both as you seek the wisdom that comes through the Holy Spirit alone.
Comment by JB on June 11, 2010 at 11:15pm
Rest assured my brother that the bible is the inerrant Word of God, and understand that the “your” natural man, your intellect, can not understand the bible. Because it is written to your Spirit, not your intellect, your senses, your carnal mind. Think of the bible as a mirror, that reflects who you are in Christ. When you are reading the Word and that Word says that you are a child of God by receiving Jesus Christ as your savior, you are not a physical child of God. But a spiritual child. I might get a little flak on this, But the only thing that got changed when you received Christ as savior, was your Spirit, that is the only thing that became NEW. Your old way of thinking will pass away as you renew your mind to the Word of God. See we don’t quit sinning and change our habits to become righteous, We are righteous; and we use our righteousness to quit sinning and to change our habits. You are not the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, regardless of what the flesh, your senses tell you, We walk by faith, not by sight.

As to your concerns about the one telling you that there are only so many going to heaven, “The elect” sounds like a JW. But the bible tells me otherwise. Jo.1 says “ John 1:11-12 11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Fear not them that try to deceive you, just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
Read Mat.24:26
Try to understand the Spirit, Soul and Body, it is an excellent study. It will give you a better understanding of who you are in Christ. If you need help on this, let me know. Or some of the others here can help as well.

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