This afternoon, around supper time, we got hit hard with a rain storm, wind along with thunder and lightening. Just brfore the rain hit us full force I looked out my living room window and to my surprise I saw Billy. Now Billy is a black squirrel, who along with Charlie a gray squirrel, come to my window ledge on the third floor of my apartment building to enjoy their daily helping of peanuts. Now Billy was determined in spite of the high winds to enjoy his meal and would not allow the wind, rain, thunder and lightening to deter him from his feast. There was no sign of fear or concern in this little furry creature as he endured the storm. I wish my younger cat, Angel, would learn from Billy because as soon as the thunder and lightening begin he is under the couch, his place of refuge. Anyway back to Billy. I am reminded where Christ says,"
Stop Worrying
25 “So I tell you to stop worrying about what you will eat, drink, or wear. Isn't life more than food and the body more than clothes?
26 “Look at the birds. They don't plant, harvest, or gather the harvest into barns. Yet, your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you worth more than they?
27 “Can any of you add a single hour to your life by worrying?
28 “And why worry about clothes? Notice how the flowers grow in the field. They never work or spin yarn for clothes. 29 But I say that not even Solomon in all his majesty was dressed like one of these flowers. 30 That's the way God clothes the grass in the field. Today it's alive, and tomorrow it's thrown into an incinerator. So how much more will he clothe you people who have so little faith?
31 “Don't ever worry and say, ‘What are we going to eat?' or ‘What are we going to drink?' or ‘What are we going to wear?' 32 Everyone is concerned about these things, and your heavenly Father certainly knows you need all of them. 33 But first, be concerned about his kingdom and what has his approval. Then all these things will be provided for you.
34 “So don't ever worry about tomorrow. After all, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matt 6:25-34 (GW)
It seems animals have a built in instinct to trust God for all their needs. In time of storm or calm they sense their Creator is watching over them. When Christ and His disciples went sailing one evening a terrible storm arose and the disciples were terrified and a little perplexed for Christ was sound asleep. They finally woke Him up and said with fear in their voices,Lord, we are going to perish." Christ looked around Him, saw the raging waves as they whipped into a frenzy by the winds and softly, yet firmly commanded,"Peace be still." It is said by some that when a storm is calmed it still rages under the water and when Jesus spoke the Sea of Galilee was calm from top to bottom. Whether this is true or no I do know that when the storms rage around and within me and I go to the Master and He softly and lovingly says,"Peace be still" that I am truly at peace with Christ and though the troubles may still be there I am better able to deal with them because Christ is in control of my life and my situation whatever that may be. As you struggle against the storms in your life look to Christ and He will give you peace, He will calm your troubled hearts. Peace Be Still! Oh...Billy? He got smart and got out of the rain. About an hour after the storm God smiled upon us by giving us a beautiful sunset to remind us He is watching over us.
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