All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

God has prescribed plan for your life, an appointed purpose and destiny that He established from the beginning, which can be found in His word. God has provided a wealth of wisdom, knowledge, and direction in His word to assist us in arriving at our destination. When we don't subscribe to God's plan, we postpone our progress and set ourselves up for disappointment and discouragement. As a result, we go through life constantly searching for answers to question like, " What am i here for?" and Which path should i take?" When God has already provided the answers.

No matter where you are today, regardless of the decisions you made yesterday, there is hope. Today is a new day filled with opportunity. Your whole way of thinking is about to change. Get ready for it. Life can be as good as you can make it.

Yesterday is in the tomb, today is the day at hand, tomorrow is still in the womb. Today is the day u can prepare for a great future.

The dictionary defines the word 'future' as something that will exist or happen in time to come. The American Heritage dictionary also described it as "a prospective or expected condition, especially when considered with regards to growth, advancement or development". In effect it is something yet to be or still ahead. Lets look at the reason why a better future is inevitable.

The future, from our definition is a time zone that never arrives all in one go. It comes in seconds, weeks, months, and years don't all come in one go. They come one at at a time. That is why we have the chance to prepare for it and ensure that we make it the best it can be.

Having said that, a better future can arrive faster than we think. The hour in which you are reads this , was the one you expected a few days ago. It catches up with one sometimes unawares or faster. That is why Moses advised us to learn to properly manage it.

" Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom"
Psalm 90 :12.

It is so easy with hindsight or foresight to be able to look at the things you will do in the future.

" Making the most of every opportunity, because the day are evil"
Ephesians 5:16.

The future is powerful. It is the only thing you have when you have lost everything. When we do nothing about the future it becomes the past. If we look back to the past, it is what the future could have been except for if you did something or not.

Yesterday is in the tomb, today is the day at hand. Tomorrow is still in the womb. Today is the day you can prepare for a great future, weather you are a minister of the Gospel, a lawyer, a businessman or woman, a professor, or a layman; so that you can fit yourself for greater usefulness in the future. today is the seed of time you sow for the harvest you will reap in the future. Today is the year that prepares us for the coming years. Today is the fat cow years of Joseph that prepare for the lean cow years of retirement. Pursue a better future. May God grace you. Shalom!

Pastor Stanley Nicholas.
Stanley Nick Gospel Crusades Int'l

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Comment by Carina M on November 12, 2009 at 12:25pm
I liked this blog. Very simple, but to the point.
It's true, we walk to our destinies one day at a time. And sometimes the bad experiences we go through are necessary stepping stones towards that destiny. Consider Joseph, who had to be a slave first, and in prison next, in order to be at the right place (Egypt) at the right time (the time Pharaoh needed sb to interpret his dreams). By submitting to the will of God and trusting Him, Joseph finally got where the Lord meant him to be. How often do we complain about what God is doing bc we don't understand. But His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not are thoughts.

May we come to understand that whatever happens to us, God can use it for our good and His glory!
Comment by Lariosa, MM on May 24, 2009 at 7:40pm
Hi pastor,

I hope you can give me the wisdom. I need your help.Thank you

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