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Scriptural Readings: Phillipians 4:11

Living in this world where good and evil simultaneously exist, we are easily entangled with difficulties on how to figure out whether our decisions would end up morally right or otherwise ending up with saying the words I am sorry.

Contentment is a thing that we have to learn more. We can refer contentment like that of the tree of good and evil or the tree of life.

Phillipians 4:11

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, [therewith] to be content.

It is very clear that contentment refers to not only on our overall status as humans but also to our spiritual beings.

If we do not speak and crave of more of our wants anymore but what God has to say what we need then God has truly worked on us. This verse has taken the apostle Paul to the highest level of contentment.

Adam and Eve were in a contented status. They were allowed to live in a place a lot of us probably would have. They have food water and the best shelter. What happened next is that they messed up with everything and fell into committing the biggest mistake of their lives.

Collaborate. The same as contentment, it offers us a lot of good things and also a ton of regrets at the end if not dealt rightfully.

If we allow our contentment to be compromised and would collaborate with something that we are not sure of and with no assurance of spiritual essence then the probability of ending up as a sure loser is inevitable, in Christianity it is called sin. From the beginning humanity has contentment. It can be found in us. However, collaborating with evil thoughts resulted into what God will never and ever be glad about.

Racism, poverty are only some of the many issues that we insist on having justice or suffer from injustice. The real issue and the question that we have to ask ourselves is would there be racism if we do not have hatred in our hearts? Will these issues remain in us if we have forgiveness in our hearts instead we are consumed by hatred? Evil is with in us whether there is racism, poverty and other issues or not. The evil with in us collaborates with our spirits, soul and body turning ourselves to be slaves of evil works. Racism, poverty and other social issues are tools to make us fit into our doom. These are the devil's quickest way for us to destroy our relationship with God. Hatred is not from God but it is within racism, poverty and many more. To go out on the streets to practice our right to express, in truth is we are expressing and increasing hatred in us. Going out on the streets expressing our rights would only expose our true selves harboring hatred and losing the real value of justice. Remember that rebellion can be in our minds in our words and in our actions. Once our minds, words and actions collaborate with hatred, evil is at work and if we succomb to it, we are now guilty of crime. Sin. Haven't we learned from our history? Haven't we've seen enough hatred on every part of this world when we watch the news?

Crime is not an option but humanity chose it. Right from the start, our first parents having contentment collaborated with evil and chose to disobey God. Jesus, on the other hand commanded us to love our enemies. This means that hatred would be displaced out from our hearts. We should get rid of hatred in our lives. For as long as we have hatred in our hearts we will never have peace and we will continue to be discontented and go out on the streets. Justice was served when Jesus said "It's done". Let us follow what God has instructed us and not to be consumed by hatred. Let the Holy Spirit flow in our spirit, soul and body displacing hatred with peace.

Heavenly Father, there is so much hatred in our hearts and only you can take this out from us. Empower us with your Holy Spirit continually that we may know your will and not ours. We pray through your Son Jesus our Lord Savior. Amen!

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