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Pure in Heart?  (follows “Tending our Gardens”)


Some things in life are unknowable, but some of those very things I find quite interesting to ponder…such as, what was the fruit that Eve plucked off the tree that day in the Garden of Eden?  For years, it has been referred to as an apple, but we do not really know that; maybe it was a persimmon, or my favorite—a juicy apricot.  No matter, it seems so innocuous, does it not?  I mean, she did not kill anyone, she did not slander anyone; she just took a bite of fruit, and then shared it with her husband … right?  Indicates she was generous, right?  ‘Shows she wanted to be open with her spouse, right?  What was so wrong with eating that fruit, whatever it was? 

Motive.  Motives are weighed by the Lord.1 Why did Eve eat the fruit-was she hungry?  No, Genesis2 records that the Garden was filled with fruit trees, plants and animals.  Hunger was not an issue for her.  Adam and Eve had everything in the world they needed, plus open communication and relationship with God, and one another. Wow, just think of that!  BUT Eve was enticed by what the Tempter said to her, in Genesis 3. Click to read verses one through seven:  The Tempter appealed to Adam and Eve in the area of pride. IF you eat, THEN your eyes will be opened, and you will be LIKE GOD. (The truth is—every willful sin since that day has come with one of two thoughts—we know better than God—pride again—or we just don’t care; we want to do what we want to do to please or satisfy ourselves—again, pride.)

They went their own way, rather than God’s, because they thought they knew better.  That was their motive in disobeying God.  Motive.  So she took a bite, and sweet girl she was, shared with Adam … and a weed popped through the ground at their feet.   Gardeners groaned as we imagine a gopher snagging a Stargazer Lily from three feet below.  Yes, from one bite of that fruit.  Motive – pride…sin.

Segue.  Something Jesus said one day keeps playing in my mind.  Indeed, I can picture him looking out over the crowds sitting across the hillside, feeding on his every word . . . “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”  “Jesus, what does it mean to you for imperfect human beings to be pure in heart?”  Pure means unadulterated, unaffected, uncontaminated . . . in essence, clean! 

purity of heart is to will one thing, Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard quipped . . . what is that one thing?  To be found righteous in you, God.  To think your thoughts after you, God.  To know that because we are your ‘poema’, we are your workmanship, created by you to do good works.3 Purify my heart, Lord Jesus.  Cleanse me of all that is of me, and not of you. Sweep away motives that bring glory to me and not to you – you know, things that will make me look good, rather than you.  Help me release people of my expectations of them, for I hold them prisoner in my heart.  Quiet my mind of my fears of not meeting others’ expectations, remind me that I play to an audience of just One.  Quiet my heart.

>“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5.8. What does it mean to be pure in heart?  It means to be holy.    >Work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord  Hebrews 12.18 >Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy   Ephesians 4.24  >Live in holiness and honor. 1 Thessalonians 4.4. >You must be holy, because I am holy. 1 Peter 1.16

To be pure in heart is to will one thing: to be found in God.  And still, Friends, it is not a striving that God is after; it is not struggling to hit a benchmark of just so much righteousness—no, God wants our hearts.  When we love him and give ourselves to him, he works his holiness out in us.  That is why I love John chapter 154, where Jesus was sitting with his disciples, his best friends, inviting them—inviting you and me—to abide in him, because then he will abide in us.  It is abiding in him, growing in relationship with God that he works out purity of heart in us.


1 - Proverbs 16.2 

2 – Genesis chapter two                                                                                

3 – Ephesians 2.10                                                                        

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