All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

This happens to be one of my favourite Psalms and I say it every morning. Its so beautiful. Every line is so wonderful. It is full of promises and assurances and what more can we want.

As we find most of the Psalms in the Bible are of praise and thanksgiveing, but this one is quite unique. It promises us untold and unmeasured safety and security. Nothing much is expected from us in return just that we surrender ourselves to JESUS and trust in HIM blindly.

A few of my favourite verses of this Psalm are -

  • Vs 10 >> No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling

Isn't it reassuring to know that we and our homes, our places of work, study, in fact that part of

the environment that surrounds us so safe and secure. Our home which we leave

in the mornings for work and school is as safe and intact when we return in the evenings. This

is physical. But don't we also have a feeling of security at night while we sleep. Every night

we sleep oblivious to the world and all the while our FATHER is awake looking over us seeing

that no evil dare come near us. We know our LORD dwells in our home because we just feel

so safe and secure and love returning to our home day after day. There are times when my

son stays the night over at his grandmom's (my mother) place and I'm all alone at night, but

not a fear is in me because my LORD as I said lives in our home.

  • Vs 11 >> For He shall give His angels charge over you. To keep you in all your ways
  • Vs 12 >> In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone

Don't we feel safe while travelling about in our day to day lives? While crossing the streets,

haven't we many a time been pulled back from some harm or unseen disaster? Haven't we

walked in the rain safely to our destinations? Why, because GOD's angels always walk

beside us. Well I believe very deeply in this and I know that my guardian angels, who walk on

either side of me can only be seen by my would be attacker and this is precisely why I am

perhaps saved from any unwanted situations. Every moment we are experiencing the

goodness of the LORD in so many tiny tine ways, which we tend to take for granted. I have,

however, made it a practice to thank my LORD for every little good luck that comes my way

because if it were not for HIS mercy and immense love for me, it would not have been possible.

  • Vs 14 >> "Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will diliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known my Name

This is it. All our LORD wants from us is our undying love for HIM and in return just look at

all the goodness and mercy HE has promised us.

The above are just a few of the chosen verses. In fact every line of this Psalm is so wonderful and I could have talked about each and every one of them, but this being my very first attempt at blogging, thought I would make it short..

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Comment by Rosemary Natasha on August 21, 2010 at 3:06am
Thank you so much Linda...What a wonderful and unexpected gift. I enjoyed listening to it very much and shall always treasure it.
Comment by Rosemary Natasha on August 21, 2010 at 12:53am
Thank you so much Sister Christine....U hv brought out another aspect for me to meditate on...Yeah this imaging thing...its really nice. You know in my daily prayers when I ask GOD to protect my family and me under the shadow of HIS wings, I always in fact imagine GOD with his huge arms covering me and my family, all close to HIS bosom...this is exactly how I picture it...its realy wonderful, don't you think?
Comment by The pilgrim on August 20, 2010 at 11:49pm
Psalm 91 is my favorite Chapter too, i love it, and as you said it well each line is full of promises, ......I have Study Bible and this is what it says about Psalm. 91, I want to share it with you........
Imaging Psalm 91.
Modern medicine has rediscovered the value of imaging. In fighting cancer, patients are often invited to form an image of radiation as thousands of soldiers successfully fighting their disease and slaying cancer cells. It's hard to say just how helpful imaging is in fighting cancer, but Scripture suggests that imaging is very helpful in fighting fears.
Look at the images found in this psalm. God is a fortress. whose impenetrable walls protect the person who takes refuge in their shadow. (i love this one...) God is a mother hen, who gathers her chicks under her wings.... nothing can touch the one nestled warmly there. Such images of God bring peace in a way that simple statements never could.
What images speak peace and protection to you? The image of a warm fire blazing in a fireplace? The image of a quiet stream at sunset? ( this one is mine...) Of rain dancing on mental roof as you lie snugly in bed? We can use these images of our own to deepen our realization that we are safe, protected by God's great love.
Thank you dear sister Rosemary, for sharing this with us. you blessed me, may the Lord bless you abundantly.
Remember this always, We are save not because the absence of danger, but because the of presence of God.

Remain under WINGS of the ALMIGHTY.
Remain blessed.
Your sister, in HIM
Comment by Christine Flood on August 20, 2010 at 8:35am
It was beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

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