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A personal letter from the publisher of The Voice, Jonas Clark:

I feel sick to my stomach today. The direction our country is taking toward socialism, corruption in government and political pork offered as an economic stimulus plan is simply pathetic.

I can understand the behavior of the sinner but the thing that gets me is the lack of Christian leaders speaking out against this nonsense. Maybe being salt, light and a city set on a hill is just too controversial, too political, or too scary.

I don’t know about you but I think a 900 billion dollar “stimulus plan” is criminal. Bush gave us Tarp 1.0 now Obama wants his due and is offering us Tarp 2.0, the new and improved version of more national debts. We should remember what Thomas Jefferson said. “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.”
Is God turning our nation over to reprobate minds? Have the Christians become so apathetic and lukewarm that they don’t even care that the wicked are ruling over us? I have written and written about the wrong direction of our nation but I feel like a lone voice crying in the wilderness.

There are thousands of people that subscribe to the Jonas Clark Revolutionary Review and The Voice Express Newsletters and recently I have received very few comments on the events unfolding in our nation. Folks, that’s painful. Maybe I’m missing something here. Maybe we as Christians really do want a socialistic government. Maybe we really do want to put our trust in Washington as our source of wisdom and prosperity. Maybe we really do want Saul as king.

Yeah, I’m having one of those days. I’m trying to balance what the Spirit of God is saying to me with economic “facts” and good old fashioned common sense. Maybe I just need to calm down, ignore what’s going on around me and just focus on having good church. Don’t get me wrong, I love church and hanging out with God’s people. But I always thought part of the ministry was equipping God’s people to invade, occupy and influence the world for Jesus.

I’ve had some people tell me recently that Christians are not going to be affected by the economic hurricane approaching our shores. Wow, that’s just as pathetic as listening to Bush and Obama’s rescue plans. Don’t tell me that Christians aren’t losing their homes, savings and jobs! There I go again.

Folks, like many of you, I don’t want the wicked ruling over me, making decisions that affect my life without my consent and giving my tax money to support values that I don’t agree with like abortion, homosexual agendas and socialists programs.

So, where are God’s prophets? You know that I haven’t heard a prophet say anything that amounted to a hill of beans recently and I’m really sorry to say that because I still believe that the Holy Spirit has something to say to the Church. I titled this article “Prophets and Obama’s Stimulus Plan” to get your attention. For some it’s time to come out of the cave of Obadiah. For others it’s time to break free from Jezebel’s table and turn back to God.

Where are the Christian television programs? I remember years ago that TBN had their flagship program and we were all anxious to watch the many guests talk about what the Spirit of God was saying regarding world events. Maybe some of you old timers remember those days. Today it seems the programming is much different. What of other Christian programming? Could it be that our ministers have focused so much on church growth, seeker friendly programs and pop psychology that they don’t even know how to address the real issues affecting our nation?

I just wrote an article for The Voice magazine titled “The Dismantling of Capitalism.” In it I do my best to show you what we will face as a nation if we continue down the path we are taking. My prayer is that every Christian will have that same revolutionary spirit that our founding fathers had. We can change things. We can make a difference with our lives. I’ve said it a hundred times. Let’s be like Caleb that said “let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able.”

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent.
Your partner,
Jonas Clark

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