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Prophetic message 7/2-2009 Kl.01:20 pm. Prophet Per

Prophetic message 7/2-2009. kl.01:20 PM. My son, write, says the Lord.
"I see my children who are facing more and more away from me.They put up their own ways. They do not ask me whether I will accept and like what they do. They put up their own ways in their own thoughts. Many do it genuinly, but spirits of lier come to them and they are wild ledet. When a blind leads the blind, will they both fall in the ditch. Speak to them if they like it or not. Ask them to come back to my leadership. I am the same God who was in prejudice days. I am Abramham, Isak and Jakop's God. Spirits of liers and refractarory have not changed. Nothing is change. As I sad in my son Jesus when I was in him on earth:"Jerusalem, Jerusalem how often will I gather you. Like a hen gathers her chicken, but they dont want to. I the Lord do not want to quarrel with people. I the Lord is like a burning fire, and like a hammer to crush the rock. I have somebody here on earth who are listening to my voice, and it is my sheep. They will follow me where I am. They will go the prison, they will give food to the poor, they will dress the naked and gives houseles house. They do not think about themselves, but always think the best for the neighbors. So say the Lord; my heart shout with joy and it makes me so happy. Somebody will say that this message sound very human. Remember when I was on Earth, I was a human and I am still the son of Man and speaks in a human way. I will never change, there are no changes in my shadow. I am yesterday and today the same. A small little child can understand what I am telling. Dont forget my beloved children the judgment begins with God's house. I hate sin. Many lives in sin and they believe they live in God's grace and believe they belong to God's kingdom. No, repent from sin and come to me and get mercy and be washed clean in my blood. It stands written say the Lord. The ungodly leave the ungodly way and turn to the Lord. My children shout about mercy and I will hear and answer you and sat you free. What is written about me; whome the son get free, is really free. Bring out what I have spoken to you, if the people dont want to lissen, but you are free. I know that you are my obedient prophet and you shall know that I the Lord have spoken.

Message from God to Apostle and Prophet Per Einar Jensen
Written of Prophetess Aina Koks Jensen

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