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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Are you prone to compromise?  John 14.18-24                                    

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Focus – v. 23: Jesus said to him, “If you love me, you will obey me”…


Sinner … that’s me.  There … I said it.  I said it because it is the truth.  It is less about what I do, than who I am.  And though I am not given to what folks often think of as the ‘big sins’, I am a sinner.  I guess I am prone to compromise God’s call for me to ‘be holy, even as he is holy.’  Sometimes, God is leading me in one direction—away from what may lead to compromise, and I don’t want to go.  Because I think, ‘what’s the big deal?’  Guess I cut myself slack.  But if God impresses something on my heart, (as only the Holy Spirit can do), and I choose to go my own way, then I have chosen to be disobedient.  Disobedience is sin.

Just before Jesus departs the Upper Room with the disciples, he begins to describe the Holy Spirit—that after he goes to the Father, he [the Holy Spirit] will be with them, and soon, in them.  And then Jesus goes on to talk about love . . . “He who knows the things I tell him to do and does them, really loves me . . . If you love me, you will obey me.”  Here’s a disturbing thought:  in light of my confession, what does compromise say about how I really feel toward Jesus? The person who does not love me does not obey me.”  Oh……..

Here’s the thing:  Love translates to obedience.  Obedience to God, which includes obedience to what the Spirit is leading me to do, or stay away from.  I am coming to believe that Obedience is the truest expression of our love for God.  Obedience also demonstrates our trust in God.  If I truly trust God, I will want to live a life in obedience to him--in thought, word and deed.  If I truly love God, I will want to go the other way from compromise, looking to stay away from ‘the line’ rather than dancing all the way up to it, you see?

George MacDonald was a Scottish poet, preacher, novelist who boiled all of life's truth into a simple two-step process: realizing who God is, then obeying Him. "True faith, true belief, is not possible where there is not a daily doing of the things He says. They are what make faith take root and spring to life... obedience is not perfection, but making an effort."  Realize who God is, then obey him. 


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Comment by Jessi Perez on October 9, 2012 at 11:11am

Oh my. This has given me much to consider in my "compromises" as a parent, etc. Its very difficult when you have Grown Children, whom I realize are now accountable for their own actions, but they are doing things which they have been raised NOT to do etc.

Not to mention they are Baptized Christians . Yikes.  For the one adult child of mine who still lives with me, pays half of the bills etc., its very difficult to try and Re-teach or even discipline him.... again.

 But this blog post has given me much to consider. And Wow. Thank you !!!!

( I have read it three times already ! 

God bless you,


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