All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD
Psalm 23:5-6

People rarely think of suffering as profitable. But when facing the difficulty and pain of a valley experience, we mature spiritually. We make discoveries about ourselves when trials peel away the outer shell or facade we might typically display and instead expose who we truly are. As our life is shaken, we learn what forms our faith: the Scriptures or opinion. Consequently, valley experiences reveal priorities, spiritual crutches, and whether we boast of Christ or our own strength. God’s purpose is to wrench away everything we depend on until nothing competes with Jesus’ reign.

Crutches and bravado are to be replaced by a real dependence upon God. Believers are encouraged to recall that He provides for our needs—“He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies”—and heals our wounds—“He anoints my head with oil.” (v. 5) A good shepherd rubbed oil onto the scrapes his sheep received while foraging for food. In that way, healing began before the animal left the valley floor. As a result of relying on our Shepherd, we experience renewed intimacy and a sense of inner peace that sustains us through the challenge and beyond.

God’s children can profit from pain only by accepting the Father’s work in the valleys. Fighting or crying for a way out gains us nothing. Accepting means asking the Lord two questions: What is Your goal for this time? and How am I to respond? Whatever the Lord’s response, our next step is submitting ourselves and all we have to Him with the knowledge that our valley is really a gateway to His purpose and our profit.

Thank You, Father for the trials that have taught me to depend on You and You alone. Thank You for the peace that sustains me. Keep me focused on the goals that You have set before me, and I will honor and praise You! In Jesus' Name~Amen

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