All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

HEB. 11:1-6

FAITH is not  a doctrine of man. Faith is on earth for a reason, it has a job and purpose to fulfill. faith is God's only entrance into this natural realm

MATT 8:10      He was impressed by people who had great faith.

MATT 8:26      He constantly rebiked his disciples for having little faith.

MARK 2:5        He would look at sick people, but he would see the ones who had faith.

HE never stopped to consider the level of motivation, enthusiasm or wealth people had - He only looked at their faith.


MATT 9:23,29  MATT 15:28, MARK 10:52, LUKE 7:50, LUJE 17:19, LUKE 8;25

Everything God has ever done on earth has been through someone's faith. Without fatih God will not move.

FAITH is God's only pleasure, doubt is His only pain.

This end time move Of  is going to be so vast and so awesome that He will actually need all the faith that is on the earth working together.



If God demands that I have faith when it is impossible for me to have faith then I have the right to challenge His justice. However if he places within my hands the means to produce faith, then the responsibility rests with me.

If we don't have faith....god is not to blame.


EPH. 2:8, 1 PET 1:5, 2 COR. 9:8

How are you going to get faith to get saved?


ROM 10:8-18, 13-14,17  ACTS 11:14

Men are saved by hearing words, the reason is because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god. You can't believe without hearing, Too many are trying to believe a lot of things without hearing.


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