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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I have been praying for my son and his wife for quite a few years, They have been married for 6 years and have a 5 yr old and a 18 month old. After the birth of the 18 month old she started drinking and partying. She would live on a Friday and not come home until Sunday night or Monday morning. My son lost his job, partly because he could not depend on her being home to watch the babies, and he went to the Dr. for depression and took a pill and fell asleep at the wheel, He totalted his truck and hit another person, who had to undergo leg surgery. His wife is bo-polar and will not take medicene. She is now pregnant by another man. A man whom was in their wedding. The baby is due in Nov and she is supposed to be on bedrest until she is born. She is telling everyone that it is the other mans and he has been taking her to the Dr appts. My son has filed for divorce asking joint cousty of the kids. She is no longer allowed to talk to him by phone or person and he is no longer allowed to go the house. I am the one who picks up the kids and takes them to my house to visit my son and they stay there. I know that this girl needs help from the father. She needs him has a personal saviour. I sometimes do no know how to pray. I know that the Lord does not like divorce, however I know she comminted adultry with this other man more that once. Do I pray for the divorce? Do I pray for help for her? Do i pray that they get back together? She can be verablly. mentably and physcially abusive. I am getting at my wits end. I am trying to show the fathers love to her through all this and turn the other check on the things that she has done to my son.

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Comment by maggie hancox on August 7, 2009 at 12:45pm
Amen you know a song! sing it Clara, SING IT! In our praise and worship to our Father in achnowledgement of his mighty love and power, confess it with your mouth!
Comment by CLARA TAYLOR on August 7, 2009 at 7:55am
Thanks everyone for this prayer! I have never given up on my daught-er-law. I remember the song that he looked beyond our faults and saw our needs. I looked beyond her faults and saw her needs. I know that she is a child of Gods. I always pray for her. I do not want them to get a divorce. I feel that God put her in our family because she needed to know that love of what a family love is. She will always be a part of my life. I love her like my daughter and I would do anything for her. My son has just been hurt for so long, he does not want to be hurt any longer. His wounds are deep. I know that the heavenly father can heal these. I just place both of them at the foor of the cross. Thanks again for your prayer. I know the father will will be done.
Comment by maggie hancox on August 7, 2009 at 1:25am
Clara, just as he knows you so very well, he also knows this girl perfectly.
He sees her and watches her, she is after all his daughter should she only accept it.
When you do not know what to pray, pray that His will be done in her life, that he would reveal to her his true nature in a way that he knows her best to recieve.
Ask him to show you what gifts he has given you, that you may show her Christs love.
Ask for his intervention in her life, that his hand be apon her heart, her situation and the situation of your son and grandchildren.

He loves them and he loves you, though you must be dilligent in your prayers, believe and understand that what ever measure of love you have, there is nothing greater then the Fathers love for ALL of you.
Be dillegent and faithful to him, your LORD and your Salvation. And know that he is with you in all of your troubles.
I will also pray the same prayer for them and for you, as I wait with hopeful anticipation for his answer to our prayers.

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