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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Pray for Others.  1 Timothy 2.1


Last week I told you about my new friend—you know the one who I told you has had a bad ‘go’ of it with people who represented Jesus to her … well, here’s the update:  she decided that Jesus was worth taking a risk on … yup, after watching Billy Graham’s ‘My Hope’, and hearing a clear presentation of God’s love for her, she said ‘yes’ to Jesus! (Oh, I had been praying so hard that God would bring her to himself, and I thought that indeed it had happened.  I cannot really explain the love I have for her, but you know, God is like that.  He grows love one for another within our hearts…) Anyway, simultaneous to her new faith, one of the ‘sistahs’ in our Women of Passion group was in a very desperate situation, and New Friend was moved by it; so, because she is who she is, and because her heart is kind and good, she text-messaged me and said, ‘I don’t know how to pray … I’m practicing talking to Jesus for her.’  I replied, ‘Sure you do—just talk to him like you talk to me.  Tell him what you need; ask him to heal our friend.’

That is what prayer is all about, my friends.  Talking to God.  It is communing with someone who is always ready and available to talk to us, no matter the time of day … no matter what we have done, or where we have been.  God cares about everything we care about.  And he loves to hear from us. 

Paul writes to Timothy, “I urge you, first of all, to

pray for all people.

Ask God to help them;

intercede on their behalf,

and give thanks for them.” 1 Timothy 2.1, NLT

I notice five basic things about Paul’s instruction to his son in the faith, and I believe his instruction is quite valuable for us.  New Friend, if you get your hands on a copy of this—it is quite informational for you as well! 

Notice with me that Paul urged Timothy to pray – he was endeavoring to convince or persuade him of the importance of prayer; it was not something he was ambivalent about.  Actually, Paul taught a lot on the subject of prayer, believing it critical to the life of the follower of Jesus Christ, and how much more the minister! In another place, he taught that we are to never stop praying, but rather to ‘pray without ceasing’!

Praying for your children, are you?  Whether mostly grown and away at college and playing soccer, or in the second grade … pray that God will help them.  Praying for your mate?  Well, you should be!  Pray that God will help her… give him wisdom on his job… give her grace under pressure.

Intercede for other people.  That is to say, do battle in prayer for them … hit your knees and pray in earnest that God will move in their lives—that God will come and do what only he can do!  As a little girl, I can remember passing by my dear mother’s room and seeing her on her knees, and hearing her too.  There she was—all 5 feet and change—kneeling next to her four-poster bed, praying aloud for my brother that God would save him … that God would rescue him.  “O-o-o-h God!” she would pray in four syllables, “only you can do something.  Only you can save him!”  I can remember it like it was yesterday though it was 45 or so years ago.  Intercede – go to God – on behalf of others.  Be their go-between.

And Friend, thank God for those in your life.  When you pray, do you thank him for your family, your employer, your friends, etc.?  I am afraid I do not thank him enough for those who are in my life.  So Paul’s words here are a great reminder.

“Thank you, God, for the privilege of praying to you.  Thank you that you hear our prayers—how amazing of you!  And thank you for answering our prayers.  You are so good, so kind.  Amen.”


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